It's been in the media for years. People have focused on Varsity, but years ago the Chattanooga Free Press put an AS competition on the front page because it generated $5M in spending for the city. Local and city governments had figured out youth sports were great income makers long before we were having these discussions. Some want someone to blame, so they focused on Varsity receiving spiffs and rebates from cities and hotels, but the reality is, those just offset event expenses.
I fail to see the conspiracy. We are feeding our type A desires to have our kid be the best, trained by the best, look the best, etc. and then get upset when being "the best" no longer fits our budget.
14,000 cheerleaders on the way to Chattanooga | Times Free Press
@tumbleyoda Unless a business is having a coach specifically mislead parents on the service they are going to receive, the coach selling that service and receiving a spiff is perfectly legal if it is hitting a 1099.
HOWEVER, government and most businesses usually have strict policies on employees receiving gifts of any type from vendors or contractors. Spiffs, rebates, coupons, markdown money, margin assistance are just a fact of life in American business. "Under the table" is about tax invasion and avoiding employer policy, and if that's what they're doing, report it.