ICU confirms Level 4 or 5 for Junior Team and allows crossovers. See below for full details.
We hope all is great with you! As a follow up to the 2017 ICU Junior World Championships discussions and questions previously circulated (re: Level 4.2, Level 3 or Level 4 on the lower division) from the ICU General Assembly (minutes enclosed*), please note that the ICU Technical Committee and Governing Council has agreed to move forward with Advanced / Level 4 for the lower JWC division in 2017.
The reasons for the decision were as follows:
-Level 3 presents an odd progression gap between Elite/Level 5 and Level 4 or Level 4.2
-Level 4.2 is not necessarily needed (limitation on tumbling) because the ICU scoresheet already limits scoring on tumbling, and the “.2” could be confusing to many countries
-Level 4 was more understandable as a progression between Elite/Level 5 and JWC Advanced/Level 4 (v. Level 4.2)
(*2017 ICU AGM Minutes…/ICU_2016_General-Assem…)
With the JWC questions answered- and per the request of many National Cheer Federations -enclosed for planning purposes and your review, please find the following details for 2017:
I. 2017 ICU JWC and WC Rules (tentative until finalized 31 August 2016)
Note: Team Cheer Performance rules coming soon- Team Cheer Freestyle Pom, Hip Hop, High Kick (pending), ParaCheer Freestyle Pom, Pom Doubles and Hip Hop Doubles.…/ICU_2017_WCC_Cheer-Rul…
II. 2017 ICU JWC and WC Tentative Schedule (tentative until finalized 31 August 2016)…/ICU_2017_WCC_Schedule-…
III. 2017 ICU JWC and WC Schedule Overview
Wednesday 26 April 2017 (1 venue)
ICU Junior World Championships & Awards
ICU World Championship Opening Ceremonies
ICU Athlete Cultural Exchange & VIP Reception
Thursday 27 April 2017 (2 venues)
ICU World Championships Semi-Finals
ICU World Championships ParaCheer Finals & Awards
Friday 28 April 2017 (1 venue)
ICU World Championships Finals & Awards
ICU World Championships Closing Ceremonies
ICU Closing VIP Reception
IV. 2017 ICU JWC & WC Divisions
Note: Cross-overs are allowed, nations may enter 1 team per division* (*exception: All Girl and Coed Categories- countries must pick one of the levels within All Girl and within Coed). The 2017 divisions are scheduled to be as follows:
2017 ICU Junior World Championships (All divisions- ages 12-16 in the year of the competition)
1. Pom Doubles
2. Hip Hop Doubles
3. Team High Kick (Pending)
4. Team Hip Hop
5. Team Freestyle Pom
6. All Girl Advanced/L4 ..or
7. All Girl Elite/L5
8. Coed Advanced/L4 ..or
9 Coed Elite/L5
2017 ICU World Championships (All divisions - ages same as in 2016)
1. Pom Doubles
2. Hip Hop Doubles
3. Team High Kick (Pending)
4. Team ParaCheer Freestyle Pom
5. Team Hip Hop
6. Team Freestyle Pom
7. Team ParaCheer Advanced/L4
8. All Girl Elite/L5 ..or
9. All Girl Premier/L6
10. Coed Elite/L5 ..or
11. Coed Premier/L6
Once again, we very much look forward to a very successful 2017 ICU Junior World Cheerleading Championships and 2017 ICU World Cheerleading Championships - displaying truly the best Cheerleading in the world. At your absolute convenience, please review the enclosed details, more details to follow in coming months - and please email with any questions at any time.
Thank you again for all you do for the youth in your country and warmest regards from the ICU!
All the best and warmest personal regards!
Karl Olson