I think that the way this has been handled by jamfest has not helped. Nothing has been publicised after the main event.
I am a coach/competitor for a UK level 5 team, we were so excited at the prospect of the majors and what we could learm from these athletes. On average for my team our entries are £119 per head. add travel and hotel etc we are nearer to £450 per athlete. we have at least a 5.5 hour drive to get there. but we as a team thought this was worth the money for the experience, last year was a great event, it has a better staging than most UK competitions and the kids LOVED it! Having spoken to jamfest they have said that due to the event being 2 days and having the cost of the larger arena for double the time is the reason for the increase in fees from last year.. ok i can accept that.
we then paid our money and stayed up all night to watch the majors and find out who we were getting to see in june! my kids were unbelievably excited!! its all the spoke about for agesssss!
and if it wasnt for me being on the boards we wouldnt know that these teams werent really coming! from what is still advertised on the website (
JAMfest Europe - Cheer and Dance Competition Liverpool, England) we are expecting both teams to put out competition routines then host a clinic.
from a UK perspective myself, my kids, their parents all feel let down we feel we will not have the experience we signed up for.
to add further, they have spoke about a reciprocal trip for a level 5 uk team. now my kids know its their first year at level 5 and their are teams who will most likely outscore us BUT its something to aim for, to work hard for.... and how do i use this as an incentive when really the top american teams have had nothing like what they were promised
I feel for CEA and CA i feel the disappointment for their kids is far worse than ours, they built up the majors to be such a great event... which it was on the night. but since then i feel that these kids and their families have been left in a hard situation.
if this had been pulled off it would have been a trip of a life time for the american athletes! they would have come and had hundreds of kids who are just in awe of them! for us we would have had a learning experience and the excitement of a name you have watched on youtube for years being announced and the team is there in the arena for you to see! so much of this could have been handled better, so much should have been made more open and so many promises should have been kept.
i can only hope that the athletes that can come over have a blast, enjoy their trip and i know for certain my rockstar girls cannot wait to meet you!!!