Shameful. Just downright, terrible, horrible, no-good-very-bad shamefulness. I just..CAN'T wrap my head around this one. First prize is advertised as _____ . Then at the ACTUAL EVENT, the announcer drops hints about it not being a full-paid trip. THEN, it turns out, lo and behold, it ISN'T full paid, and the money given barely covers 1/3 of expenses. And the cherry on top? They would THEN be expected to work a clinic that JAMFEST is getting money for, of which they would not be able to see one cent. There is NOTHING about this that is ok. Period. The extra sprinkles being that these Euro teams are being offered a 'reciprocal' trip that is being billed as the same as ours. Good thing for the 'board, so everyone now knows the TRUTH. If I were ANYONE who participated in the Majors, win or lose- my letter-writing arm would be sore from overuse and my fingers would be cramping at my keyboard. Because this could have been happening to YOU. THIS is how your events are treating your fellow gym owners, and what's bad for one is bad for all. What's to say they won't pull something like this again? These teams might still go to some capacity, and Jamfest might still get their benefits?