I agree with part of your post, but still disagree with some of it. I just think if it were a different gym, they would have responded differently. If these rumors (true or not) were going around about Cheer Athletics or Stingrays, I don't think they would have reacted in the same way and fueled the fire so to speak. I think Trinity should have kept mum on the topic and maybe just said "the rumors are false" from the get go, and if they would have just let the routine speak for itself instead of over-hyping and kind of getting their hands dirty with everything, they might have a little more support. I think Trinity just made a negative situation ten times more negative, and that's where my frustration with hearing/reading/ seeing it comes from. It just seems sad that these kids are in a negative situation and it's out of their control. Like they're being set up to fail. But hey, maybe they're getting a life lesson out of it that's worth more than the hype/negativity.