thought of two more random things just to think about when making the decision:
does the HS CP will attend have any traditions they do before games that would take time away from all-star? for example: at my high school (Varsity only) each cheerleader "had" a football player. had meaning during games, we had signs with all their last names we would use during band dances/if someone got a touchdown, but we also were responsible for decorating the locker room/individual locker/individual home/car of EACH player (you were responsible for your 1 player, but my friends and i went decorating together so we did like 3/4 houses each time) for friday games, this was thursday nights and it wasn't optional. you did it or got someone else to do it for you. the football parents also threw pasta parties for the boys and invited the cheerleaders on Thursday nights and our coach required us to attend. Thursdays seem to be a very popular all star practice night, so that could be a problem if the school does anything similar.
another thing to think about and talk with CP about is that she may miss out on the fun, team bonding type things. if one day after HS practice, the girls all go out for ice cream and you need to get CP 50 miles away in under an hour, she can't go. they may have team sleepovers on AS comp weekends, etc. etc. is it a big deal to miss those things? for some, no, not at all. but for others, yes. it may cause her to not totally feel like a part of either team if she is missing out on just hanging and being silly with them outside of cheerleading.