Another thing to consider is that if your kids even THINK that they want to cheer in college, that high school experience is PRICELESS.
The game day/crowdleading portion of college tryouts is often what makes or breaks kids.
Honestly, every kid at a competitive college tryout has the tumbling/stunting, but it's that PRESENCE and ability to lead that often moves kids from "maybe" to "yes" in coaches' eyes.
That's part of the reason why a lot of all star coaches are working hard to make it possible for kids to do both.
With that said, for school cheer to benefit you, you need to be actually participating. If you tell a coach that you did school cheer for 3 years along with all stars, when in all actuality you did like, one game every season and the comps, it shows when you're next to the girls who were in school cheer at least 70% of the time and have perfected their presence.
See also: TRYING OUT FOR UCA AND NCA STAFF. If you ever think that's something you want, school cheer is going to benefit you immensely.