In the ICE/ICC situation, I have no sympathy for the owners or the coach involved and feel awful for the families that were a part of this gym. In reading the court documentation, there was just too many instances where the gym owners had to have known there was an issue with this coach, and allowing him to stay in the gym is a crime in itself. Unfortunately, we have many young coaches in this industry - and some do not make sound choices (and in the ICC case some older coaches obv make very poor choices!). Sexual abuse is the worst, but harrassment and inappropriate behavior (i.e. coaches and athletes partying together) does seem to be more common than it should be. I think there is little USASF can do - although if a list can be used legally, this would be a great first step. On the other hand, we also have some unscrupulous consumers in this industry who would blackball a coach and ruin his/her career. It is a fine line to protect both the coach and the athletes, but it certainly can be done with diligence on the gym owner's part.
The one positive about this thread going public is I had a very in-depth talk with my oldest CP and plan to have one with my youngest (not quite so in-depth:), and I really wouldn't have thought to do so if this situation hadn't been made public, because we have a small coaching staff and I know and trust them all very well, our gym has a television on in the parent area and my CPs have never been alone in the gym with a coach (I am pretty sure this is a gym policy). I told my oldest exactly what the court documents said and we talked a lot about it. As she gets older she is interacting with other coaches at high school and camps, and some of those coaches I have never met, so it was a very timely conversation.