Shooting Stars in Indy
Standing Tumbling
- 6 Standing Fulls, 6 One To Fulls
- 6 Toe Fulls
- 8 Three to Doubles, 2 Three to Fulls?
- 3 Two to Doubles
- 1 Hand Hand Whip Punch Double, 1 Hand Hand Full Punch Double
(Formations are hard to see, I could’ve easily missed stuff)
(Total: 20 ending in fulls, 13 ending in doubles)
Elite Sequence
- 7 1.5 Ups to Immediate Stretch, 1 Half Up to Stretch, 1 Straight Up Stretch, 9 Bow n Arrows
- 6 Release Half Turn Star? Transition, 1 Ball up to Squish
- 3 Switchups to Bow, Stretch
- 6 Tuck Inversions to Squish
- 7 Stretch to Scale Tick Tocks, 2 Lib power press Scales, Double Downs
First Running Tumbling
- 7 ROBHS Doubles, 1 ROBHS Full (rippled)
- 7 ROBHS Doubles, 1 ROBHS Full (synced)
(Total: 14 ending in Doubles, 2 ending in Fulls)
- 33 Hurdler Hurdlers
- 33 Triple Toe Backs
Running Tumbling
- 1 RO BHS Double Punch Double
- 1 FHS PF ROBHS Double, 1 FHS PF ROBHS Full (synced)
- 2 RO Whip BHS Fulls (synced)
- 4 PH ROBHS Fulls (synced)
- 1 RO Arabian ROBHS BHS Double? This one was hard to see..
- 1 RO Pike-Half (never know what that’s called) ROBHS Whip Punch Double
- 1 RO Whip Arabian ROBHS Whip Punch Double
- 1 ROBHS Double
(Total: 6 ending in Doubles [5 specialty], 7 ending in fulls [7 specialty])
Secondary Stunt
- 7 Switchups to Stretch, Double down
-7 Mix of Kick Doubles and Switch Kick Doubles