I'm not trying to get back into cheer like you but I'm trying to get back in shape. I started dieting right around the same time you did (and exercising) and I already lost 8 or 9 pounds. Just...melted off. I still want to lose more, but I'm definitely thinking these next few pounds aren't going to come off nearly as easily! We should start a "Diet Diaries" in Random for all of us tryin' to look good for beach season.
Also while we're on the topic of dieting...I discovered THE most delicious dessert this week. Take a sugar free chocolate pudding cup (get JellO brand pudding, it's SO much better than SnackPack), 2 tbsp of Cool Whip "Free" and like 5 mini pretzels. Break up the pretzels and put them in the pudding and then plop your cool whip on top. It's 100 cals (or 200 if you decide to use a 100 calorie pack of chocolate covered pretzels) and it's SO delicious. mmm...