I'm one of the boys on my team and have always wanted a showcase part... I used to be the center of attention being the only boy on my old team (I was also like the star tumbler which was so fun! being in the center and all), but now I'm one of 8... It's known by everyone on the team that I'm probably one of the only males on the team that can actually dance and can pick up new choreography fast, so probably why I never get anything special because the rest can't comply or do the same...
I've always wanted something special tho... Our gym is good at giving the boys about an 8 count of the dance for us to be highlighted or in the front... So that's good. I just hate how the guys are always in charge of lifting girls, and they tend to get the crappy parts in the dance... I know that, that is what is precedented and what has always happened but I prefer to actually dance at the end... not lift people and throw up a stunt in the last 8 count... Mixed emotions.