I think it's awesome that you have the respect for their coaching staff and program to not argue with him/her after they expressed their opinion. I can understand what you're saying "Diamond", but if he/she speaks for twisters, esp as a coach... Then I appreciate and respect what they say as a trend setter in this industry; as a loved gym; as a program who's set alot of standards for the cheer world. Regardless if you like them or not, you can still show respect when they express their thoughts (which you obviously did).
I had no idea if they were a coach or not and I didn't say anything about liking them or not (that has nothing to do w/ anything)..I have also expressed my opinion in different threads before about this and it just gets old. I had plenty to express back to blunchin & everyone else, but I chose not to. I'll express what I have to say now. You guys are forgetting what cheerleading is about. I didn't want to get into this, but if you choose to pay to watch a high caliber team and get upset that others who didn't pay get to watch for free (because it was leaked), you are crying over spilled milk. I think it's redic. Same for cheer mixes. Then you guys want to throw out the illegal card:rolleyes: . If you want to go there, you can all start recording your own music to use for your mixes. I could make a list that runs forever about the illegal things we do everyday. We should all know by now that you can't stop people from posting your routines on the internet. You can have them blocked or taken down, but it's not going to stop anything. Yes, it is disrespectful, but it is going to happen. Are you going to sit and pout about something that you want to keep secret for a short amount of time (then bring it to worlds for everyone to see), or are you going to get over it & move on? These "illegal" situations are apples and oranges compared to "burglaries, muggings, car theft, etc". You guys waste so much time complaining over your videos being on youtube, but after you win worlds, it's not a problem. It's funny because all the big gyms beg for their videos to be removed, yet the small, unknown gyms wish someone would be interested enough to record and post them on youtube. When something doesn't go your way, epecially something that you know is coming, don't get angry about it over and over again. Turn it into something positive & let it pass. Let's talk about how good so & so is, not about how upset we are because their routine is leaked.