Hijacking this thread to still about maxing out, but another realm. Obviously we are all about to sit down and get serious with our worlds predictions and I'm having a personal dilemma with sm coed. In my head, Brandon is STACKED with talent and has been beyond consistent all season, but based on NCA it seems that Cali Smoed (when they hit) has a slight edge. That's what I don't understand... WHERE? Brandon has squad tumbling, a ton of doubles both running and standing, a maxed out elite stunt and pyramid (including coed stunts), they do all 3 major jumps (though this may be an area where they can add a tuck to both sets of jumps?), good transitions, and a good dance... like what else can they improve? I feel like these two teams should dead even. Maybe I need a cheerzoo match set up. Maybe I need someone who knows the scoresheet to help me understand. I just don't right now.
**Disclaimer. I'm equally obsessed with both these teams.**