All-Star Most Difficult Moment As A Cheer Parent...

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The hardest moment thus far was at a competition that my daughter competed against my niece. Something happened with her stunt group and they couldn't keep her up, she never hit the floor and they were able to continue with the next sequence but she was just devastated. There were no tears she just didn't want to speak to anyone for a few hours.

I am the type that just gives hugs and asks if she knows what happened. The coaches were amazing with her and knew that it was a very personal blow because of who her competition was.
Hard moment.......Thursday before worlds.....a call form the gym..."I think Jenna broke her finger"! Harder moment....Friday morning......Dr. says "Jenna has a spiral fracture to her growth plate and HAS to be cast". Hardest moment.......Seeing Jennas face when she finds out she can't tumble and may not be a able to stunt. Proudest moment...Watching her on the mat at worlds, cast and all, whip out her standing full and keep her stunts in the air. These Cp's of ours are tough! I think my faith in her grew threw this and I realized that there has to be the falls to see the rise!!!!!
my most heartbreaking moment will be this Sunday at tryouts. We went to Hawaii for spring break and had an amazing time! She got to do a tumble and stunt private while we were there because she didn't want to go a whole week without doing anything with tryouts coming up. She did amazing! probably the best she's done in a LONG time (her goal was a full) she actually did it with a light spot and did a standing 1 to full on the tumble track. The monday we returned from Hawaii she wasn't feeling well. she went to bed and woke up about 6 hours later complaining of a stomach ache. i gave her some pepto and she went back to sleep. she woke up in the middle of the night vomitting and still complaining of pain, so i gave her more pepto and some motrin. the next day still no improvement. i assumed she had a stomach bug and it was beating her up pretty bad. by 1030 tuesday night she was in tears and i knew something was wrong. i took her to the emergency room to find out she had appendicitis. She has surgery the next day. she was pretty bad (not ruptured but had a lot of infection) so she was hospitalized for 4 days. so needless to say, the full will not be an option at tryouts, and probably no standing tumbling either. She's afraid all she'll be able to handle is a breaks my heart because she has worked soooooooo hard to get where she was all for it to be taken away by something that was far beyond her control :-(
S0 s0rry to hear this! Just to give you some hope for your cp, 4 years ago I got an appendectomy 3 weeks before worlds. I wasn't going to compete but we had a girl quit right before we left so I went back in just to front spot and I wasn't even going to jump or anything. At warmups at worlds I threw triple jump to tucks. My coach wouldn't let me compete it but still only after 3 weeks I was able to do that again. The thing that took the longest to do again was just a back handspring cause I was afraid to stretch my stomach out, but once I got over it I was back to throwing fulls shortly after!
When I first started allstars, it was at a small program run out of a gymnastics facility. (I did gymnastics pre-cheering) We had two teams-a junior 2 and senior 3. I made the senior team, and was so proud, and excited to start cheering. For a while, it was amazing. I got to be in all the tumbling, and learned how to stunts and whatnot. At my first competition, I was so nervous and busted a round off tuck (Something that was pretty easy for me). Obviously, I was upset. My coach came up to me after screaming at me that "my tumbling was crap", and that I didn't deserve that spot. Having to hear that was pretty tough on my mom, and seeing me trying not to break down crying was even worse.

As a parent, I really hate coaches like that. I'm paying you to coach my child, not put her down, embarass her and destroy her self-esteem.
S0 s0rry to hear this! Just to give you some hope for your cp, 4 years ago I got an appendectomy 3 weeks before worlds. I wasn't going to compete but we had a girl quit right before we left so I went backin just to front spot and I wasn't even going to jump or anything. At warmups at worlds I threw triple jump to tucks. My coach wouldn't let me compete it but still only after 3 weeks I was able to do that again. The thing that took the longest to do again was just a back handspring cause I was afraid to stretch my stomach out, but once I got over it I was back to throwing fulls shortly after!
yay! this does give me hope :-) she took the first steps towards recovery (both from the surgery and the tumble fear) she threw her standing bhs at tryouts! she was throwing layouts and working on fulls before surgery and i have all the confidence in the work for her. she will get back to that in her own time :-) thanks for the encouragement!!! I'll be sure to share this with her!
GOOD FOR YOU! youre a great cheer mom!

I'm sure that was a heart wrenching moment but it was the right thing to do. More Flyer Mom's need to do this. It is not always the bases fault, sometimes the flyer needs to get over herself and do the hard work if she wants to stay in the air.
I'm sure that was a heart wrenching moment but it was the right thing to do. More Flyer Mom's need to do this. It is not always the bases fault, sometimes the flyer needs to get over herself and do the hard work if she wants to stay in the air.
I understand but it takes 4 to keep a stunt group in the air.. My cp was blamed all season for issues with a stunt. If it was her fault, she faced up to it but when it wasn't her fault, no one else would fess up. Unfortunatley, she was taken out of the air, which was very saddening for her. Seeing her so sad and trying so hard to keep something in the air it just hurt so much. Oh, having a new flyer didn't make the stunt work any better.
My mom was never really one of those gung-ho "cheer moms" (that was mostly my dads area of expertise haha). but last weekend, it was my last competition ever of my senior year and we were in the US Finals...I had been a wreck when i came home after our last practice and she knew I was going to be the same way after we competed, but i don't think she ever really realized HOW upsetting it was going to be.

As soon as we hit the end of the routine, I was in tears. By the time we finished watching the routine and walked out from behind the stage, I was full-on crying. Then, when I was looking around at everyone going to their parents for hugs, and my mom wasn't anywhere to be seen (I honestly thought she had missed it), I started sobbing. Then out of nowhere, she showed up (she didn't miss it, thank goodness) and hugged me and I just completely lost it in her arms. I know she wanted to say something to make me feel better, and she kept trying to start sentences, but nothing came out and she just let me cry on her. When I finally pulled myself together, I saw that she had been crying too. (and i'm crying again now that i'm typing this. i'm kind of extremely lame. :confused:)

It was just a really solid bonding moment with her. after years of me thinking she didn't care that much about cheerleading, to finally know that it meant something to her, or to at least have really realize how much it meant to me.

You brought tears to my eyes as I was reading this and realizing that this year will be my CP's 11th and final year, and I know I'm going to be all sappy the entire season!! I know CP will be so embarrassed by me being so emotional!!
At our gym a young lady on Senior 4 committed suicide. It shocked and saddened everyone. I barely knew her, but my heart broke for her parents, family, friends, team mates, coaches, etc. The team and gym still continue to do things to honor her and cherish her memory.
she isnt my CP. but im sure its relatable...

i was coaching a girl that wanted to tryout for her high school team. and she wanted her bhs so i had a 1hr private with her and about 5mins before her private was over she broke down because she realized she wasnt going to get her bhs.. i sat down with her on the cheese mat talking to her trying to keep her from crying. she said "im not going to make the team, everyone says i suck and im not good!" i was just trying to cheer her up at this point telling her not to give up just give it your best and you never know you might be what the coaches want and you can make the team! she replyed with " i wanted this so bad, my FATHER wanted this so bad for me as well!" i came to find out that she lost her father the week before and her grandfather passed away a few days after. i was left speechless and i just held her as she cryed i had no words i wish i wasnt left speechless i feel like i as a coach should have had something to say to make it better.. my heart broke into a million pieces she left and still went to her tryouts and gave it her best. which i was very porud of her to do after all this had gone on in her life!
my week that week wasnt the same i had her in my mind troughout that week i still get sad talking about this even though im not related to her. its just heartbreaking!

just to add to this. She didnt make her HS team she came to join our teams at my gym and got her BHS last week. & the look on her face was absolutely priceless :cloud9:
The worst moment for my mom was probably when i tore my acl. I feel like I've posted about this multiple times but it was heartbreaking. 2 weeks before my first competition of senior year. Out for the entire season
At our gym a young lady on Senior 4 committed suicide. It shocked and saddened everyone. I barely knew her, but my heart broke for her parents, family, friends, team mates, coaches, etc. The team and gym still continue to do things to honor her and cherish her memory.
That is incredibly sad to hear. May that young lady rest in piece
The one for my mom would be watching me have to sit out all summer long because I broke part of my ankle. I already deal with depression and I swear it got worse.
im not a parent but at Jamfest Indy when F5's pyramid didnt go... oh my gosh i felt SO bad for the girls! i was on the side of the stage when it happened - some girl tripped and just couldnt get up with all the people around her. my mom and friend's mom and i were sitting next to a big group of f5 moms. when the girls came over, they were so sad :( they knew that this was the comp where they would prove to everyone how amazing they were this past season! i told one of the girls sitting next to me how incredible i knew they were - i could only dream of making a team of that caliber. she was sweet and said thanks and all of that, but of course nothing makes you feel better when youre upset about a performance. they ended up in second behind CEA with virtually no pyramid score for the second day, and with that i KNEW they would win worlds! i predicted that when i saw them practicing friday night of indy :) when they won worlds, my heart beamed for these girls that deserve nothing less than first place!!
I process things slowly so my mom watching me struggle and get worked up when I can't pick up on the dance or anything else as fast as the other girls do is pretty hard, I'm sure

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