My mom was never really one of those gung-ho "cheer moms" (that was mostly my dads area of expertise haha). but last weekend, it was my last competition ever of my senior year and we were in the US Finals...I had been a wreck when i came home after our last practice and she knew I was going to be the same way after we competed, but i don't think she ever really realized HOW upsetting it was going to be.
As soon as we hit the end of the routine, I was in tears. By the time we finished watching the routine and walked out from behind the stage, I was full-on crying. Then, when I was looking around at everyone going to their parents for hugs, and my mom wasn't anywhere to be seen (I honestly thought she had missed it), I started sobbing. Then out of nowhere, she showed up (she didn't miss it, thank goodness) and hugged me and I just completely lost it in her arms. I know she wanted to say something to make me feel better, and she kept trying to start sentences, but nothing came out and she just let me cry on her. When I finally pulled myself together, I saw that she had been crying too. (and i'm crying again now that i'm typing this. i'm kind of extremely lame. :confused:)
It was just a really solid bonding moment with her. after years of me thinking she didn't care that much about cheerleading, to finally know that it meant something to her, or to at least have really realize how much it meant to me.