All-Star Motivational Incentives For New Skills

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I just started level bows at my gym. The kids get 5 bows and each color represents a different level. Once they get the skills, we add their lightning bolt to their bow (we are Michigan Storm, but you could do a star or something). For level 1- front and back walkovers
2- standing and RO BHS
3- standing dbl, jump to BHS, RO TUCK & ROBHSTUCK
4-standing tuck, BHS tuck and RO BHS LAYOUT
5- jump to tuck and RO BHS FULL

Go to Bow my Goodness for the bows. You can get them super inexpensive

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I think a gym around here gives you a tee shirt with their logo on the front, with the "tuck club" on the back or something
My little sister's gym does the bow thing, and she really enjoys it. The bows get more complex and prettier colors the higher the skill. The bows begin at front and back walkover, which are solid white and solid red. Back handspring bows are animal print, tuck bows are layered, and layout and higher bows have some sparkle on them.
We do the bows, and you get to write your name on the chalkboard wall along with what skill you got, and you get to ring the gong when you throw it three times successfully. You don't get the bow until you either have the skill for a month, or you compete it. Oh, we have engraved plaques on the wall that lists the athletes who have standing fulls and doubles as well. The owner tries to make a big deal out of getting a bow. They post a picture of you wearing your bow to the gym FB page. And when you get to ring the gong, the whole gym will stop what they are doing and clap. They make it all a lot of fun for the kids!
We have the bell at our gym too. Funny story, the mini's I coached last year were obsessed with ringing the bell and
getting the whole gym to cheer for them Etc. They tried to Do anything they could too ring that bell haha I've heard everything from,"coach I can do my toe touch can I ring the bell now?!" Too "look at my back walkover! Can I ring the bell?? " and I'm like that's great!.... but you already rang the bell for that skill last year lol
Hey y'all I just wanted to get your opinions and ideas on some things to motivate athletes to get that next skill! I know some gyms have a bow club and with certain skills you master you get the bow designated for that skill. Some gyms do the same thing but with t-shirts. Please share what your gyms do or if you know of what other gyms may do! And feel free to share pics if you have them!!

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In theory, it should be the same as motivation for learning any other sport - and cheerleading IS a sport just like any other, isn't it :D - or the motivation for learning classical music, quantum field theory, brain surgery, how to sail around the world, how to tie a perfect knot, how to read medieval literature or any other invaluable skill. is there a reason why motivation for this would be any different?
When an athlete gets (not necessarily perfects) a new skill by themselves, they ring the bell and run around the gym. We have someone give the bell and "chase" them - usually someone who just rang the bell themselves. Everyone claps then watches them do the skill. We also video the skill and post it on Facebook for their families and friends to see. They are also told that they still need to perfect the skill before it will be allowed in a routine.

Their name goes on the board. At the end of the month a newsletter is sent out and posted on Facebook with all the new skills for that month. For certain skills we have gym t shirts that say I got my ... on the front and on the back the skill. We have Cartwheel, Back Walkover, Back Handspring, Running Tuck, Standing Tuck, Layout, Full, and Double Full. We also tell them if they wear that shirt to the gym we may call a skill check. :D

This summer we did a skill/charity fundraiser where athletes and parents could donate $$$ to charity based on new skills learned over the summer. The goal was 100 new level appropriate skills. For example a Level 5 couldn't get a new skill for doing a Level 3 skill, but a Level 3 could get credit for for doing a Level 5 or 5 skill. Making final tally now but we easily surpassed that goal

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We are a rec team and have zero extra money but i came up with this idea- I bought a box of colored beads and each bead was designated to a specific skill- once a kid gets that skill they get a new bead to add to their "bracelet" which we hang off our backpacks- its colorful and meaningful without breaking the bank- at every tumble class i shout- who's getting a new bead today- and if someone earns one - we present it in front of the whole team. It definately motivates the girls.
We are a rec team and have zero extra money but i came up with this idea- I bought a box of colored beads and each bead was designated to a specific skill- once a kid gets that skill they get a new bead to add to their "bracelet" which we hang off our backpacks- its colorful and meaningful without breaking the bank- at every tumble class i shout- who's getting a new bead today- and if someone earns one - we present it in front of the whole team. It definately motivates the girls.
I know a coach who did the same thing based on volleyball performance. So many Kills - get a yellow bead, so many digs/saves - a blue bead. It really worked for the girls.
What about those live strong bracelet's? Maybe different colors for each skill.........IDK. LOL

Great idea! Those things are super cheap too. I wish my daughter's gym did something like this. She is externally motivated and I think achieving something tangible when mattering a new skill would help.
We are a rec team and have zero extra money but i came up with this idea- I bought a box of colored beads and each bead was designated to a specific skill- once a kid gets that skill they get a new bead to add to their "bracelet" which we hang off our backpacks- its colorful and meaningful without breaking the bank- at every tumble class i shout- who's getting a new bead today- and if someone earns one - we present it in front of the whole team. It definately motivates the girls.
I really love this idea!

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