I'm honestly not trying to fight with you, but you asked if people would know about Trinity if Jamie didn't bring it up and I responded yes. Maybe it's just me, but like I said, I don't follow/friend/anything with Jamie. I don't know him, and I don't need to hear anything he has to say because he is nowhere near me, doesn't know me or my gym, and is involved in zero things having to do with me.
When I saw the thread with pictures of the facility, I took notice because hello, it's amazing. The coaches did come on here to clarify things that were being said. If Jamie pointed those things out, great, but I don't think all of this is coming from Jamie. It's coming from the fact that an unknown gym has an amazing facility aind amazing cheerleaders. No matter who is running their mouth, people are going to wonder where it came from and how.
Rome wasn't built in a day, and world championship gyms weren't either. You can't blame people for being curious.