All-Star My Daughter Is A Loner But She Doesn't Care....she Loves All Stars

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She is defintely unique, and I guess I helped start that as her name is Erynne(pronounced like Erin). So her name alone stands her out. She's a country girl through and through and has always marched to the beat of her own drum. She loves Country Music, her first concert was Rascal Flatts/Jason Aldean in Pittsburgh years ago. She has seen Dierks Bentley, Eric Church, JaneDear Girls, Trace and Josh Turner also. She's a Junior and we are starting to look at colleges, she wants to work at a Zoo. She loves animals especially chimpanezes. In fact, when she was in first or second grade one of her friends gave her the nickname chimpo cause of her fascination with them.

I watch and hear girls want to do something but are afraid to because their friends don't want to, who cares. I tell all my children to do what you want when you want it. Everyone lives with regrets of should have done this or should not have done that. I tell them to keep theirs to a minimum. If its safe, won't get them in trouble or hurt it. You have to make you happy, be who you are. Don't define yourself by who your with, if you have a boy/girlfriend or not or who your friends are. Be nice to everyone and everyone will be nice to you. I tell them that High School is the time for fun as you will never see some of your classmates ever again after graduation. So make sure they have a good memory of you. And I think she listens and follows that.
I love this!! As a psychiatric professional I work with pediatric patients (children) who suffer from all forms of self-loathing, self-rejection and bullying. I am constantly amazed to see that the roots of that honestly come from (in many cases) the parents. Parental rejection/lack of support is often a strong cause for mental deficiencies that manifest in our kids as they grow.
YOU are the shining example of how to do it right; you embrace and support her for who she is, never discouraging nor belittling her independence. You help her set realistic expectations and you give her the peripheral guidance to find her own way. At this tender age you are giving her exactly what she needs.

Congrats mom - you need to teach many others how to level-set with your kid and support who they are (and who they are not.) Well done - tell her happy birthday from Dr. Margaret! :)
CoachKelly What part of PA are you from?

Well it depends on who you ask, haha. Some say NorthCentral, some say NorthWest. I say NorthCentral as we are 3 hrs. north of Pittsburgh, 2 1/2 hours, south east of Erie and 2 1/2-3 hours south of Buffalo, NY. So pretty much in the middle of nowhere. I am from one of the smallest counties in PA, with highest unemployment rates. That's how we are known. :(
Well it depends on who you ask, haha. Some say NorthCentral, some say NorthWest. I say NorthCentral as we are 3 hrs. north of Pittsburgh, 2 1/2 hours, south east of Erie and 2 1/2-3 hours south of Buffalo, NY. So pretty much in the middle of nowhere. I am from one of the smallest counties in PA, with highest unemployment rates. That's how we are known. :(

Oh wow.. no where near me! lol I'm from right outside Philly, and cheer is pretty big here. But that's good that your daughter loves her sport so much!! Very inspirational!
Well it depends on who you ask, haha. Some say NorthCentral, some say NorthWest. I say NorthCentral as we are 3 hrs. north of Pittsburgh, 2 1/2 hours, south east of Erie and 2 1/2-3 hours south of Buffalo, NY. So pretty much in the middle of nowhere. I am from one of the smallest counties in PA, with highest unemployment rates. That's how we are known. :(
How far do you commute to your gym? I'm in Buffalo, I know it's very far for you but if you'd ever want to visit a gym here we'd be glad to have you!
I would like to send her a CJA shirt. If that's okay with you, please send me a private message. I can mail it to the gym. She sounds like a great kid!!!

Thank so much!

How far do you commute to your gym? I'm in Buffalo, I know it's very far for you but if you'd ever want to visit a gym here we'd be glad to have you!

Oh our team is just a small team in our town. We have no gym, she has taken Tumbling classes off and on the last 7-8 yrs. in a neighboring town a half hour away. Its not feasible to travel anywhere. We do it to give the kids in our town something to do. We practice at our High School in the wrestling room, most times our first time on a cheer mat is our first comp. We just do small High School comps that the teams put on for fundraisers. We have taken them to PSU to participate in the Keystone State Games- All star competition. And we did a CCC competition in Erie last year but that's the biggest comps we see. We don't have alot of $$, this year was the the first year we did custom music and we do our own choreo. But that is enough for these girls, some come to us without even a cartwheel and to see them even work up to a walkover, come out of their shell or even see their self esteem get a boost is a job well done for us. That's why I even signed Erynne up for cheer, she was kinda shy and thought it would be good for her. The woman who started it had moved here from Virginia and her daughters were in it there. I started helping coach that 2nd year and just slowly took over (she had went back to college). I did alot research, read alot, ask alot of questions, took the AACCA Safety certification. And I continue to learn every year, but Erynne can still be a bit shy when she's not with her friends but she is the only one left that joined the team when it formed back in the Spring of 2004. She used to fly, she wasn't very flexible though then she was litterally dropped on her head/shoulder and never flew again, she is now a main base but she knows how to do every position and will step up and show the girls how to do something, she is awesome at explaining how to do stuff so the girls understand it. She just loves it and I am just so proud of her watching her help girls at practice and even watching her be her own person at school or anywhere else.

**I just wrote this thread just to try and help one girl that might have been having doubts. I want them to see that my daughter has done it for 9 yrs. now pretty much on her own. Yes, she has her "cheer" friends now but you can do things without your main BFF's doing it too.**
CoachKelly , what an amazing and selfless thing you are doing for the young girls in your community! It sounds like a great opportunity for them to get active and get involved in something.
I know what it's like to be in that position though, my high school was the same way. We practiced in the middle school gym and had nothing but 2 panel mats to practice with.. we did our own choreo and music too, it was quite the challenge especially since we didn't have a good coach.
Those girls are so lucky to have great leadership, hopefully your small program will continue to grow! I wish you the best of luck, and if you ever find yourself in Buffalo the offer still stands :)
LOVE this thread. I have a child like this, and sometimes she doubts herself because she is so different from her friends. Glad to see other moms embracing their kid just being themselves!
This thread is so inspiring! Best of luck to you and your daughter during your season! It's great to see girls who just love the sport doing it, not because they need to win or go to a national, but just because they love it.
I feel like your daughter is me. I wear my cheer shirts to school and have to explain them to everyone, my town is so small its known for unemployment rates too haha :P I love cheering and I'm saving up to take myself to worlds this year, maybe when she is old enough the two of you can save together and make a great vacation!! :)

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