I'm going to withdraw from this conversation now. This was an exchange that happened with me and a stranger, it is not representative of my gym and people are starting to get a little to general and it is sliding downhill fast. I have never asked someone in front of me to sit down when it was their gym's team and I would never stay standing if someone behind me had an issue that prevented them from standing or if they were elderly or their kid was on stage. This person had nothing going on to prevent her from standing and in NO WAY did she have the right to put her hands on me. That in itself goes beyond any kind of "rudeness" I displayed by not sitting. In fact I believe she targeted me directly because I was the smallest person in the group, because I had a cheer bow in my hair (don't ask...superstitions run deep at SOT) she probably thought I was a kid. Next to me was a cheer dad that looks like he stepped out of Jersey Shore, she didn't yank on his shirt...or any of the other 7 people standing with me.
Listen if she had walked the 3 stairs down to me and said "Hey we really want to see Spirit perform and I know your with the gym, could y'all squish down or sit so we can see I'd appreciate it." I probably would have, but she didn't.