All-Star Nasty Gym Owners

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Nov 9, 2011
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Has anyone ever experienced something similar to this? I am at a bit of a loss/in shock at the moment.

I just found out from one of my current athletes that the owner of another gym (who are not rivals of us at all – we don’t even compete in their divisions) has been telling people that I have a terrible program, all my athletes are sh**, and our routines are bad. This is the owner of the gym that I used to cheer at in IO5. She personally told this girl (who used to be one of her athletes) that she should not come to my program as it would be beneath her, it’s a bad program and she would be “stuck doing crappy Level 1 skills” (She was a L4.2 flyer and is actually now on my L3 team)

This woman used to be my coach but I had to quit very early on in the 2010 season because of a very bad ankle injury. I harboured no ill feelings towards anyone and neither did the other girls in my team, but she still seems to, even two years later. She still ignores me at all competitions even though the 14-year olds in my team are mature enough to come and chat to me and move on. By way of background, last year was my first year coaching, my first year running a program which I started up and ran every aspect of entirely by myself (and still do). I had 12 athletes all who were complete beginners. We were not an amazing team but those guys and girls did the best they could with what they could learn in that time and worked so hard. We didn’t even have a proper gym to train in for most of the year. One of them has gone from starting in my program last year never stunting/tumbling before to being on a great IOC5 team this year – so I’m obviously not a completely hopeless coach. This year I have over 50 athletes and 90% are absolute beginners and I will be fielding strong, level-appropriate Level 1 and Level 3 teams.

I just can’t believe someone would say such malicious things. Obviously it’s not nice to me for a start, but more than that, it is incredibly rude to these kids that worked their butts off all season. How someone can personally criticise kids/young people like this is beyond me. Everyone has to start somewhere – just as her program didn’t spring out of the ground with excellent Level 5 teams. My program is nowhere near perfect but it’s new, it’s growing, I’m constantly learning and everyday I put my heart and soul into it and try to develop and encourage my athletes and I think that is almost just as important as the skills themselves.

Should I just let this go and be the bigger person, or should I say something? Please tell me this is not normal behaviour! :confused:

P.S Sorry for the long post!
I've had a similar thing happen, with some parents who have gone to another gym. The hardest thing is to rise above it and ignore what is being said but as cupieqt posted (there we go agreeing again) it is the best thing to do. I decided to ignore it all and let the results speak for themselves. It's hard and if you ever want to vent feel free to PM me if you don't want to post or clog up the board ;)
My advice is ignore... Primarily because the cheer industry LOVES this game called Chinese whispers... And he said she said.... I personally never believe things told to me that someone else suppose said.

If your program is growing, your doing something right,
Good on you for owning your own program (especially in a place where cheer is still very much growing!)..and double awesome that your program is gaining members. Keep your head high, lets the results do the talking, and focus on your own kids. It's very disheartening when somebody is attacking something that you love, whether it's your passion, you, or even your kids! (How rude!)
I'd ignore it and take what was told to you with a grain of salt. Unless I hear the words from the person's mouth, I assume that it's been twisted. Remember the game telephone?
When we were looking for a gym we had one gym's coach say nasty things about their rival gym and that let us know that the gym saying the nasty things was not for us. That is not how I want my child coached and I would hope that most would agree.
We've gone through this type of thing, it's sad that these adults can't act like adults. What I've always told my CP is to keep your head held high and make sure you're doing the right thing. You must be doing the right thing for your program to grow at such a rapid rate. Teach your athletes and your coaches to rise above the drama, that's what I believe will make your program great. As a parent of a teenager that they type of gym I want my child to be part of. Good Luck
Honestly, get a team that competes in the same division as theirs, and let them out their money where their mouth is. If your team wins, they can't really say much.. Lol
I had this happen to me for years. It is interesting, when people would come into the gym and ask about the other program I would say that we offer this and they offer that, I would never downgrade that program. Sadly enough, the customers would tell me the negativity coming from the other program about us. Even after being egged on I never responded and would just reiterate what we had to offer. Funny though, some of those potential customers ended up picking the other program which I never understood because why would you want to go to a gym that talked poorly about others. One thing my grandma once told me was ' if they are willing to talk about someone else they will eventually talk about you'. Goodluck and stay strong. The only thing you can do is stay classy and try not to let your customers know that it phases you. I know it is hard, believe me I know! If you need to talk at more length you can message me!
Do your best to ignore it. In my experience, things like this usually happen out of fear. She is afraid of losing business to you, so instead of stepping up her game, she puts down yours. In the long run, it never works out well. As long as you are happy with the product you are putting out there, don't worry about what anyone else has to say. You do you, and the rest will take care of itself.
Our gym owners have gone through the same thing. Some of the things that have been spread about them in the community are downright slanderous. Personal attacks as well as cutting into their program and everyone associated with it. I would suggest the same as everyone's not easy but they smile and wave, they ignore it, they don't take the bait. They just rise above. It is what got many of us to come to them when we heard the response of one gym (negativity and rumor mongering) over their professional responses. I'm sure they let it fly at home, but they don't do that with any of us, they're consummate professionals and that is HUGE for us personally.

The short version is don't say it out loud...say it on the mat. The truth will reveal itself in time. Just be patient to wait for it. Stay tough!
The short version is don't say it out loud...say it on the mat. The truth will reveal itself in time. Just be patient to wait for it. Stay tough!

This. Let your athletes' and gym successes speak for themselves. I can't help but wonder if maybe this other gym owner is saying these things out of a little jealousy- or like someone else said, fear of losing business to you- because you DO have a strong program. Just my opinion. Hang in there!!