Nausea And Dizziness After Routines

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Feb 10, 2014
I know that this may seem like an obvious answer (get in better shape, eat better, stay hydrated), but I'm having a really hard time with this. I understand that the nausea is normal, but the light headedness and dizziness is starting to scare me. I stay plenty hydrated and make sure to eat a healthy meal with enough carbs to keep up the energy. Unfortunately, my coach doesn't quite understand. Maybe I'm over reacting, but I'm afraid I'm going to get hurt or pass out......or even hurt someone else from being light headed during a routine. I'm on a college team so I don't have Mom or Dad to turn to on this one. I have the mental ability to push myself, but I want to be careful......since I'm getting older. Any advice? I'm afraid of passing out, and I don't feel that my coach has the proper medical training if anything were to happen.....she's the type to see a head injury and say "well, you're talking so you must be completely fine, keep practicing!" Sorry for the long rant, I just want to be able to keep up without feeling dizzy, nauseous, and unsafe if something were to happen to me. I know a lot of people don't read this thread so I'm bummed to be a newbie.
Thank you for reading my long drawn out explanation and I hope I can get some help on this.....even though I know it sounds like an easy fix!!!!
Over exertion? Electrolytes? Blood sugar levels? You might want to keep a drink that will replenish electrolytes with you, as well as, a couple of protein bars to boost your blood sugar levels when you have breaks. You may just be exerting more energy than you fueled up for. Sleep, sleep, sleep! I remember those college days and there wasn't much of that going on. If you continue to have these issues, you should consult a healthcare professional and they will check your blood to make sure there isn't anything more serious going on.
I agree with above--I used to be on a swim team and when we would come back after break I would be so dizzy and nauseous during and after practice for the first week or two until my body caught up. I was going to say exactly what catlady said. Do you drink a lot of caffeine? Sometimes I feel that way during a work out if I had caffeine beforehand. And even though you may think you drink enough water, drink more...before during and after. And throw some gatorade in there. Hope you feel better!
It might be vertigo. I have that and those symptoms you described can hit for no apparent reason. I take medication to help control it IF you get diagnosed with that. Dramamine and Bonine also work in a pinch. Keep us updated!
If it's just after the routine it could be your anxiety. Everyone's body deals with stress differently. Don't take anyone's word on here though, if you're really that concerned please go to a doctor!

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It might be vertigo. I have that and those symptoms you described can hit for no apparent reason. I take medication to help control it IF you get diagnosed with that. Dramamine and Bonine also work in a pinch. Keep us updated!

I didn't even think of that, but my mom had BPPV, or misplaced "ear rocks/crystals", that caused these symptoms. It is more common in the elderly, however, the article below discusses how a head injury or whiplash can cause it, also. It's crazy, but they had my mom lay down and put her head in a certain position to put these "ear rock/crystals" back into place. I thought the dr. was a quack, but it worked, craziest thing I had ever heard of/seen.
BPPV -- Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
Have you seen a chiro? It sounds to me that you might have neck issues. If the cervical vertebrae are out of alignment it could cause all of the issues that you posted, including vertigo like Dixie mentioned. An adjustment or massage might help you immensely.

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Have you seen a chiro? It sounds to me that you might have neck issues. If the cervical vertebrae are out of alignment it could cause all of the issues that you posted, including vertigo like Dixie mentioned. An adjustment or massage might help you immensely.

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I have never been told chiro might help vertigo. Guess what I'll soon be trying! Hoping for even a tad bit of relief...

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@ Dixie, definitely give it a try. I have seen it works wonders as a massage therapist have experienced the releif as a patient. I hope it gives yiu some relief!

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Thank you for all of the suggestions, I'm usually on top of all of the remedies but these are some new ones! I'm not sure if it's vertigo because I'm literally (well almost), at sea level......if that's what you mean. When I go to states such as Colorado I get altitude sickness.....but I may just be reading the whole thing wrong. I usually drink half of a 5 hour energy shot before practice because otherwise I just don't have the energy to lift and tumble. I have a feeling it's just an issue of not being as much in shape as I should be for this routine. I would just enjoy cheer so much more if I didn't feel dizzy and nauseous after every single routine : / Also, I have reallllly bad insomnia, I've seen a doctor for it multiple times since I was little, and to top it off I'm the type of person that NEEEEEDS that 8+ hours of sleep to focus and have my body ready. I may have answered my own question, but I'm willing to try any remedy to help get rid of the nausea and I will be trying all of the suggestions everyone has given me, I figured that if anyone had the answers to this issue, it would be the fierce board parents and athletes ;)
I have double jointed knees and keeping them locked out for too long makes me dizzy! Although I usually got dizzy before my cheer routines, waiting to take the mat with my knees locked out.
What seems to occur first--the nausea or the dizziness? In many instances, dizziness can cause nausea. Think of migraines causing nausea and vomiting, same concept.

I would get your blood chemistry checked. It will tell your electrolyte and sugar levels. I would also consider getting your ears thoroughly checked, an inner ear problem such as labyrinthitis will cause lots of dizziness issue especially with increased head movement (tumbling and stunting).

Make an appointment with your health care provider! Meanwhile, stay well hydrated and try to get some rest.
Thank you, I'm going to get my blood levels checked, I wasn't even aware they could check that stuff! The dizziness tends to occur after a hard routine weather I'm feeling nauseous or not......I don't think it's a hydration problem because last practice I chugged so much water that I felt water logged.....icky feeling. The dizziness is more of a feeling that I'm about to pass out, such as when you stand up to fast and your blood pressure drops, but it scares me because it lasts for minutes.

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