at this point, if the school isnt willing to punish the cheer team as a whole, or fire some of the coaching staff. Then i cant imagine why any school, or cheer program would help them with recruiting in the future. I wouldnt want to send my kid or athlete, etc to a program that cant take any form of accountability for their athletes behavior or failure to have any accountability for their program. Further more, why doesnt navarro seem to have a code of conduct in place for athletes. between the hazing, the rumors of blackface, now documented sexual harassment, and yet the athletes and staff and school seem unbothered. And it doesnt matter if they didnt know or find out till later, once they found out or heard stories, is when punishments should have taken place till further investigated. While the prestige of programs and wins are what draws people in, i think as an adult leading a bunch of young adults, you should at least take some seriousness in continuing to lead young adults into being educated, well rounded adults. Not sit back and throw your hands up and say "well all i care about is winning, i dont care what you do outside these four walls..." hazing is EVERYWHERE, i get it, but if you found out about a hazing ritual regardless of how innocent it was, and that it supposedly made some people uncomfortable, that should have been a good moment to lay down some punishment. While i dont like to see anyone get fired from their job when they have had so much physical success. I dont think she can continue to play the victim any longer. You have that many athletes, year after year, and that much drama constantly going on, there is no way you didnt have any knowledge..........