All-Star Nca Day 3 Updates (sunday)

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Can I ask why they both boycotted NCA? Do you know?

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I believe the rumor was scoring/placement. I have no idea if this was the actual reason. The comeback to Texas routine was somewhere around 05 or 06, so this was awhile ago.
Lol really I'm being pushed over the edge things that were said to our kids on social media and I don't even know why I care. My kid is not even on that team. Most of our kids have been nice to all the people with negative comments but 1 or 2 of them have been making snarky comments right back at them.
Not my kids not my place to correct them but I don't even care. These parents and athletes aren't judges. That division was to close for comfort and anyone's game. Our kids felt defeated after day 1 but our coaches tried their best to make them mentally ready (as some know we have a mental coach that use to work with our program that helps with this) they said they took them on a journey on day 2 to get them physically in the zone to have them hit and execute that routine on day 2 like they did. After they performed the coach asked me if it was good enough I told him I wasn't sure they looked great and I wish they could of done that on day 1 also because all the programs on day 2 looked great and I wasn't sure if it was enough to beat them. He said "It's ok I'm still proud of what they did today!" Our kids were expecting anything 1-4 as I'm sure the others were as well as you can tell how everyone thought they should of been 1st according to their tweets. I'm just truly sad for our kids.

You know I love you, but maybe it is time to take an internet break ...and maybe do some homework :) People are starting to recognize that your gym is a force to be reckoned with- in any state!! Haters are going to hate, just because of that.

@12stepCheermom - I had to smile at your assessment . It unfortunately is right on.

As for the judging, I don't know what is true and what is not. There might be a bias; but for now, I will continue to believe that they are doing it as fair as possible. The combined live scores from several judges makes me think that fate makes it play out for the close teams. It is part of the beauty and ugliness of the sport. There is so much talent, how can you accurately judge it when it comes down to tenths or thousands of a point? There is no way to accurately judge the routine against others. That issue is something that falls under USASF and not the EPs.
As I have posted before: freedom of speech works both ways. Anyone can post whatever they want. Anyone else can then, in turn, post whatever they want about the original post.

I can't speak for others, buy my intention was not really to "attack" anyone - mostly I was trying to be funny. (sometimes that works, sometimes it doesn't.) That being said, the "only won because they are from Texas" vibe strikes more of a nerve with me than the "only won because they are CA (or big, or have a bunch of followers, or friends with Justin, Les, etc.)" ones do. Not sure why.

I am not immune to the crazy conspiracy ideas. I can usually eventually talk myself out of it, but that easier said than done. One high-profile division this past weekend was a particularly bitter pill to swallow (that I still don't fully understand), but we don't think that something nefarious was going on. We just have to study video & scoresheets and work even harder for Worlds.
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As I have posted before: freedom of speech works both ways. Anyone can post whatever they want. Anyone else can then, in turn, post whatever they want about the original post.

I can't speak for others, buy my intention was not really to "attack" anyone - mostly I was trying to be funny. (sometimes that works, sometimes it doesn't.) That being said, the "only won because they are from Texas" vibe strikes more of a nerve with me than the "only won because they are CA (or big, or have a bunch of followers, or friends with Justin, Les, etc.)" ones do. Not sure why.

I am not immune to the crazy conspiracy ideas. I can usually eventually talk myself out of it, but that easier said than done.
We all know you only win cause you are the Blue and Black CA ;)
If all you were doing was asking a question (which mind you, didn't come until about 5 posts in), all you had to do was say "Would anyone be able to tell me how team X got this score and beat team Y?" You would have gotten an answer without causing unnecessary drama. There was clearly another reason why you wanted to stir the pot and come in claiming certain teams only won because of their location. Once you were proved wrong is when you asked the question.
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Lol really I'm being pushed over the edge things that were said to our kids on social media and I don't even know why I care. My kid is not even on that team. Most of our kids have been nice to all the people with negative comments but 1 or 2 of them have been making snarky comments right back at them.
Not my kids not my place to correct them but I don't even care. These parents and athletes aren't judges. That division was to close for comfort and anyone's game. Our kids felt defeated after day 1 but our coaches tried their best to make them mentally ready (as some know we have a mental coach that use to work with our program that helps with this) they said they took them on a journey on day 2 to get them physically in the zone to have them hit and execute that routine on day 2 like they did. After they performed the coach asked me if it was good enough I told him I wasn't sure they looked great and I wish they could of done that on day 1 also because all the programs on day 2 looked great and I wasn't sure if it was enough to beat them. He said "It's ok I'm still proud of what they did today!" Our kids were expecting anything 1-4 as I'm sure the others were as well as you can tell how everyone thought they should of been 1st according to their tweets. I'm just truly sad for our kids.

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I get it. People were lighting up cp16's team on twitter saying they didn't deserve to get paid because they were 9th place and basically making fun of them publically. I get that it can be hard to read that stuff, and that IS my kid they were talking about. Which makes it extra hard because were invested in our kids and we know what they've been through and overcome to get where they are (I don't mean RoyalCats specifically but all teams have a story). I had several things I wanted to say, and did say privately. So did he.

I'm just impressed that for as quick as the boards can be to jump someone (and not be polite in doing so) you've managed to figure out how to say whatever you like and not have that happen. That's a skill I don't have.

Maybe it's because you're from Texas.

(That was a joke)
I heard Senior Elite's music was too long because it was a cover up for their next kidnapping. The extra 5 seconds gave Courtney time to sneak out, leave snacks in the grass, and sneak back into the arena before SE finished. Of course no one noticed because everyone in the arena was too busy watching those 13 double ups. (Why else do you think they added them in last minute?) On the way to warm ups, Smoed found the snacks and ate them all, thinking it would help them perform better but it didn't. Courtney knows Smoed's weakness is Chipotle and In and Out. While Smoed was busy eating the snacks, Courtney switched her next victim's water bottle with a bottle of teal kool aid. Unfortunately that athlete is now under the CEA spell since no one can resist teal kool aid and CEA is awaiting their arrival. Courtney is not mad about 2nd place, she just wants you to think that. She is merely playing along with the plan she has set up to get a new Smoed athlete to come be on her team. Lady Elite is next in line for a Smoed athlete since Coed Elite and Senior Elite have filled their Smoed quota. Worlds is coming up you know and Courtney wants the best.

This is not a theory, it's fact.

I told my Cheer Extreme friend this. She said you're spot on the money.
@CindyLou22 since you have seen the videos and now you are an expert please tell me what our HUGE deductions were for on day1. I'm sure you do not know ... As does anyone else so I'll wait.

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If all you were doing was asking a question (which mind you, didn't come until about 5 posts in), all you had to do was say "Would anyone be able to tell me how team X got this score and beat team Y?" You would have gotten an answer without causing unnecessary drama. There was clearly another reason why you wanted to stir the pot and come in claiming certain teams only won because of their location. Once you were proved wrong is when you asked the question.

ETA: And I really don't see how people can say Stars R5 shouldn't have won, they were the bomb!

Well thank you so much for instructing me on the proper way to ask a question on a thread. I was responding as well to what was being thrown at me by all y'all. It makes me so so disappointed that this is what happens when someone shares a different opinion and doesn't sugar coat it on a board. We tell our kids to stand up for themselves and to speak their minds but as parents so many replicate the behaviors they would be mortified to have their children emanate or endure. Let me try to rephrase it nicely to make you happy..

Oh you would not believe what I kept hearing at NCA.. people were actually saying that Texas team edged out non-Texas teams in a lot of divisions when the scores were really really close. Do you think that's true? And people kept saying that due to all the weather challenges and flight cancellations NCA was scrambling to find judges and had to bring in a bunch of local judges from Texas that were biased to local teams and not qualified to be judging an event of this magnitude..that couldn't possibly be true right?? I see that a poster put up a pic of a very close R5 division that a lot of people have responded negatively to and that a texas team barely edged out another non-Texas team..this must just be a coincidence right? Even that Viper mom poster said lots and lots and lots of people are saying they shouldn't of won and this is only one division in question. If one of you has a few minutes of spare time could you pretty please explain to me how that could happen when the team they beat out after I watched the videos was equally as incredible and some might even say better than the one that won and the team that got third delivered an incredible performance on day 2 - too. They were simply fantastic. That viper team had huge deductions on day could they of come back from something like that to rise up so high? Now here are lots of smiley faces to make sure my tone is not misconstrued... :) :) :) :) :)
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I'm just gonna say that my kids teams could be considered from Texas I guess and definitely did not win, especially cp14. Le sigh for her. Such potential to win her first jacket this season and it totally didn't happen. :(

And if I remember the numbers right, only 6? Of our 55 teams (all but 9 of them legitimately from the Lone Star State) in attendance won.

I'm not so hot at math, but it doesn't scream "Longhorn Conspiracy" to me.
I'm just an observer, but since Texas teams are already going to attend NCA because of proximity, wouldn't a better planned conspiracy have teams that traveled far distances winning? For business purposes, anyway.
@CindyLou22 since you have seen the videos and now you are an expert please tell me what our HUGE deductions were for on day1. I'm sure you do not know ... As does anyone else so I'll wait.

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You had a bad stunt fall... a bunch of wobbly ones if my memories correct and think you had someone fall to their knees in jumps to tuck?

You also had a stunt wobble on the far right Day 2 and you have a male tumbler that clearly goes out of bounds with both feet as he lands a tumbling pass.. also on the right side and on Day 2. That's just what I caught from watching your day 2 video now... I may of missed any other number of issues. I'm not a judge after all. Oh wait.. I see your team got ZERO deductions on day 2. My eyes must be playing tricks on me and I must be seeing something different than the judges did. So sorry. I still don't understand why the team in 2nd dropped to third? I think that was Rockstar? Your team was VERY GOOD.. just not good enough to jump from 5th to 1st over many other great teams that delivered on day 2 and started in a higher placement. But again..not a judge. Can we just move on from this though. I really don't want to play tit for tat.

Congrats to your team and athletes and hopefully all the teams get a rematch at Summit. Im thinking I should definitely order cases of Florida water before that comp for our gym..
I'm just an observer, but since Texas teams are already going to attend NCA because of proximity, wouldn't a better planned conspiracy have teams that traveled far distances winning? For business purposes, anyway.
You would think... but having clean restrooms would also be good for business and they don't do that either..

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