I once had a stunt group in a youth 1 complete with a Nataleigh, a Kealie, a Kaylee (who had a little sis names Korlee May), and a Kinley (and an Alex was in it too but I'm trying to make a point about names lol). On that same team I had a Camryn, an Adalyn, a Zoiee, a Payton, a Corynn, and lastly, a Presleigh.
I'd like to add, the mini teams are even worse. Last year we had a Paisley, a Ryleigh, a Rylee (yeah, two with the same name), a Mikynsleigh, twins names Josie and Jael, a Camri (who I always thought was spelled like the car until I went back and checked our teams on FB just now), and a Harmony. (We had like 3 other kids on that team but literally more than half of them followed this new trend of giving your kids normal-sounding weirdly-spelled names)