When will we find out if usasf is going to change the age grid so that the team who gets the bid can stay the same for worlds .. Adding n switching kids is not my favorite thing to do!
From this paragraph below on the Worlds Document, I don't think they plan on making any changes. How many athletes are going to be affected by this? It would only let you add athletes that were born in a 1 year period. While that is a decent range, I doubt anyone will be adding that many more athletes to their teams. Most teams make it known that just because you competed with the team to get a bid doesn't mean you will be on the floor at Worlds. Making 1 or 2 substitutions shouldnt be an issue.
NOTE: The USASF/IASF recognizes that teams and event producers from the U.S.A. must follow the
current 2011-12 USASF Age Grid and Guidelines at all Worlds Bid Qualifiers. However teams from the
U.S.A. receiving Cheerleading Worlds bids and attending the 2012 Cheerleading Worlds may use
substitution/alternate athletes to form a team that matches the new guidelines listed above for the 2012
Cheerleading Worlds for these select divisions. Of course, those athletes would have to follow the same
eligibility, substitution and alternate guidelines for The Worlds, including the guidelines requiring a
Release Waiver. Again these new guidelines only impact those teams competing in the 2012
Cheerleading Worlds in the all International Open Levels 5 & 6 divisions.