I really hat that they opened the XS-division to all gyms. It was definitely not a "D2" division at worlds and everyone was technically allowed to enter - as long as it was the only worlds team they had in the whole gym-franchise.
The current development in cheerleading goes towards a few mega-gyms that grab a majority of the globes/rings/titles/jackets and then a few large (sometimes also medium) sized gyms that are doing pretty good as well, and then there is a ton of small-ish gyms that have basically no chance against those other gyms. Unless you founded your gym in the early to mid-90s (maybe late 90s) you stand no chance to grow it into a mega-gym. The mega-gyms (especially since they all started expanding like crazy) have a competitive edge over the other gyms that would take quite a long time to overcome even IF the governing body would help them with appropriate rules. And we all know who the governing body is and who they li$ten to.
The reality for small gyms is that as soon as your first handful of athletes are a true level 5 they start the commute to the larger gyms to be on their worlds-teams. It is really hard for them to even retain enough talent to start a worlds team, and then it's tough to keep them when the mega-gym around the corner can advertise their thousands of titles. The concentration that currently happening in the cheer-gym market is not healthy at all for the long-term development of the sport. If this trend continues there will come a time (probably sooner than most would like) where we could see only teams from mega-gyms in finals at worlds. Athletes that want to go to worlds will have to commute to one of the few mega-gyms if they even want to have a shot to make finals.
To me getting rid of the XS-restrictions feels like the mega-gyms were pouty because not so well known gyms actually got some recognition and exposure. I actually loved watching the XS divisions throughout the year. There were some creative routines from gyms I normally didn't watch. It gave those small-ish gyms with their (sometimes first-year) worlds athletes a good shot at actually accomplishing goals because they weren't buried in divisions that were 60-teams-deep.
I truly hope that the USASF gets enough backlash from one-worlds-team-gyms to reverse that decision.
And for those of you loving numbers: out of the 12 divisions open to gyms with more than 1 worlds teams the 36 globes went to the following gyms
- Cheer Athletics (5)
- Cali (5)
- Top Gun (4)
- Flyers (Canada) (4)
- Stingrays (3)
- Woodlands (2)
- GymTyme (1)
- Brandon (1)
- Spirit of Texas (1)
- Cheer Extreme (1)
- Cheer Sport Sharks (1)
- Fame (1)
- World Cup (1)
- T&S (1)
- CJA (1)
- Prodigy (1)
- Viqueens (1)
- Gothenburg (1)
- Fire Allstars (Puerto Rico) (1)
Summing that up: only 4 (!!!) gyms won 50% of the possible globes.
Sorry everyone for the long post, but I think the decision to let every gym enter the XS divisions at worlds will have a detrimental effect on the long-term development of this sport.