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Wahhhh why does the end of the year have to involve SO MUCH WORK. I have a big lit assignment due Wednesday and Friday, a practice AP test on Saturday, and then the real AP test next Thursday. Oh and my precalc teacher decided to just inform us today that our EOC is the same day as the AP test.... cool bro. And I'll probably miss a bunch of class because I have to pass out yearbooks..... :( stressedddd
Is anyone good at physics?! If so, can you PM like right now? My math teacher gave us physics problems for a take home quiz and I know nothing about physics. I don't even know what to google! :help:
OMG! That's exactly where I used to live! I miss it! I don't remember much of it but I remember going to the park a lot as I was very little :p
Actually?! Lol that is so weird, I use to live down the street from a park. I could not believe how perfect they kept that place it's an extremely well maintained city.
Actually?! Lol that is so weird, I use to live down the street from a park. I could not believe how perfect they kept that place it's an extremely well maintained city.
Yes! It was a small 2 bedroom house but when my brother and I were little it was fine :) I visited this past Febraury and it was so pretty!
probably... though i have been there. is it a job relevant to what you want to do in life or would use as a reference? if so, don't quit like that and be as professional as possible.

but i can't say i never did that. i had a job at a pizzeria my freshman year of high school and they were AWFUL to me. like i don't think they ever just spoke to me; i was always being screamed at to the point of tears. (mostly in italian so i don't even know the terrible things they were saying) i woke up one morning like deathly ill. record-high fever, etc. spent the morning in the hospital and was supposed to work at 5 or something. my mom had called them while i was at the hospital to explain that i was sick and i wouldn't be able to work that night. they started yelling at her, too. and since i was a freshman, i relied on her for my transportation to and from work, so she said no, you're not going to work. ever again. if it's a situation like that, where you're constantly being degraded and treated like absolute sh!t, i'd say F it and walk out.

if you don't want to show up because "you don't feel like it," suck it up, put in your 2 weeks while you're there and be done with it.

Well I was somewhat kidding (and I did go to work yesterday). It's at a local ice cream/hot dog place that's only open for the summer. So I've been there since the middle of March and the actual job isn't awful and I've made good friends with all the girls I work with. The problem is the scheduling and my boss. We don't have a set schedule each week or like set days we know we will work. Every Sunday, if I'm not working, which I usually am, I have to go in and check the schedule. Meaning I can't necessarily plan my week out until Sunday nights.

A few weeks ago my mom bought us tickets to go see Jillian Michaels talk downtown for this past Saturday, so weeks ago I requested off that day and put like "May 4 - morning only" which I understand was not very clear when I wrote it. Last Saturday, my boss asked me if that meant I could work in the morning or that I was busy in the morning. I said I could do the morning if I was needed, but that I was busy later in the day (we open at 10 so I was thinking like a 10-2 shift). She scheduled me for 12-4. That's not morning. After asking me directly about my request. I just did it cause I didn't wanna seem uncooperative but I had to rush to shower and get ready when I got home. So whatever at this point its over. BUT a few weeks ago my mom told me to write off May 10 for my grandpa's 80th birthday party. Two days ago when I got home from work she told me to see if I could switch it to May 11 because the rest of my family can't come into town until then now. I realized it might not be possible only a week in advance but I tried. I called and asked to switch the request days and she said it was no problem at all. So I go in the next day to work and my boss goes, "so you can work the 11th during the day right?" And I was like "No, we have my grandpa's birthday party all day." I looked at the schedule and she had me down for like 11-4 Saturday (and scratched it out after she asked, but still). Like I requested that day off for a good reason and she still tried to schedule me. She just doesn't listen and it's making me so mad. I applied somewhere else too so hopefully I can work at the other place the rest of the summer because I've heard they're better with scheduling.

And sorry I just wrote a novel literally like I just had to get that off my chest because it's been bothering me and stressing me out.
Does anyone have any ideas for what to get mom for Mother's Day? I'm really struggling with it this year, and thinking about just baking something, but I still have no clue what I could bake that's pretty simple because I'm very limited on what I have to use (aka still no mixer to be found & only have about 6 pans, lol).

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