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Does anyone have Apple laptops they like? I'm getting a new one for college and the Toshiba I had just crashed so I need to pick a new one (either MacBook Pro 13/15 inch or MacBook Air 11/13 inch). I just have no idea what would be best.

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I have the Macbook Pro 13 inch and it's my life. I don't regret buying it one bit!!
Does anyone have Apple laptops they like? I'm getting a new one for college and the Toshiba I had just crashed so I need to pick a new one (either MacBook Pro 13/15 inch or MacBook Air 11/13 inch). I just have no idea what would be best.

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I have the Mac Book pro 13 in and I completely regret buying it. While it does run great, Macs take a bit of adjusting. They are also so much more expensive than other laptops. I bought it just for college, but for most things through my college you have to use Internet Explorer. I also had to download a software for a class which did not work on Macs so I was at a computer lab for hours every night working on the homework.

Overall, I regret buying it because it isn't compatible with a lot of the stuff my college uses. Make sure you really look into what is the most compatible with things your school might use. When I first visited the college, all the tour guides said a lot of people had Macs and that they work fine. Unfortunately, that was not the case and my Mac has caused me a lot more frustration than was necessary. I hope this helps!

Forgot to add that MacBook Airs are typically not a good idea. I don't think there is a disk drive and I don't think there is an ethernet cable port. A lot of colleges have WiFi but all of my dorms required an ethernet cable.
Does anyone have Apple laptops they like? I'm getting a new one for college and the Toshiba I had just crashed so I need to pick a new one (either MacBook Pro 13/15 inch or MacBook Air 11/13 inch). I just have no idea what would be best.

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I am in love with my Mac (15 inch pro), I'm a design stupid so for me it was required. If your not sure or feel completely secure with just a Mac there are programs that you can run (like boot camp) that allow you to have your computer run windows. The only thing that sucks is it takes up half of your storage space on the Mac itself.

I was thinking about junglekatz and then I thought of this song.... Um JungleKatz need to have the line at 1:25 in their music.... It's perfect ;) @bluecat
I'm going to rant real quick. So I'm at cheer open gym. My stunt group is going amazing. I'm pulling body positions, full downs, and full arounds. They move us (flyers) around. I went to a new stunt group. I saw the girl who was flying there before having trouble. Well she is the "veteran" flyer of everyone so I'm like what? This doesn't make sense? Then I realized we had a girl who did not know what to do. She cheered before but she can't base. I fell and hit the ground from a prep. Come on. I hit up and she backed away from the stunt and then I was falling. She backed away even more! So I completely hit the ground. My other base and back spot tried to catch me but that girl was my main base. Most of my weight was on her. I have a bruise on my back from hitting the ground. She ended up being a second base. I still kept falling (but they caught me). What I'm saying is... Isn't it common knowledge to not back away from your flyer when she's falling? I hate placing blame but that seriously hurt and everyone else tried to catch me. Thank The world we have safety clinic tomorrow.

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Does anyone have Apple laptops they like? I'm getting a new one for college and the Toshiba I had just crashed so I need to pick a new one (either MacBook Pro 13/15 inch or MacBook Air 11/13 inch). I just have no idea what would be best.

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My family has 4 Mac books, my dads, my sisters for college, my moms that is basically mine, and my moms old one that doesn't work anymore. We've never had any problems with them and we will never buy any computer other than an apple because we love them so much! (My dads an apple inc fanatic you could say) the only problem id say we have had was my moms old one stopped working a few months ago, really slow and the keyboard was all messed up but we bought it in 2005. So it held up for a while

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Ummm...isn't it time for the FBAs? Who's organizing it this year (or do we not have an organizer)?

It's always a fun time recapping the year.
Macroeconomics exam tomorrow...wonderful way to start the morning *crying*
Forgot to add that MacBook Airs are typically not a good idea. I don't think there is a disk drive and I don't think there is an ethernet cable port. A lot of colleges have WiFi but all of my dorms required an ethernet cable.

I've got an Air, and no, there is no CD/DVD drive nor ethernet cable. I've never needed an ethernet, since we have wireless in the house. If your dorm room is cabled, you can always get a cheap router to make a wireless connection in your room, or you can pick up a USB to Ethernet from the Apple store for about $30.
I do have an external DVD/CD drive, about $100 and I think I've used it twice in 2 years. The only reason I have it is for the programs I need to teach with, which come on CD/DVD's, and occasionally I need to work from home. Honestly, most programs now don't come with CD's or disks. They are downloaded or on a USB drive. That's not to say that you won't use/need a CD/DVD drive.

You need to look at what you're using your computer for and what you need it for and go from there. I don't think I could go back to a MacBook Pro now that I've gotten used to carrying my Air around. The only negative is that here is less space on the hard drive than with a Pro. The hard drive itself is different than in the Pro
Whoaaa yesterday's episode was so crazy. I will never look at Peter Pan the same way. Him and his lost boys creepy me out. I'm going to Disney on Sunday and if I see him I'll probably runaway in the opposite direction.
OMG I know. Like how did Peter know about Henry... He doesn't exist for like 200 more years. I feel like those people are working for Peter in some way or something. When Gold says this goes way bigger than people know... It's gotta be related to Peter.

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OMG I know. Like how did Peter know about Henry... He doesn't exist for like 200 more years. I feel like those people are working for Peter in some way or something. When Gold says this goes way bigger than people know... It's gotta be related to Peter.

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They have to be working for Peter! So does Peter just want to kill Henry or does he want something else out of him? I wonder how Neil will get back to them.

i want to try this so bad but i know if i do i will likely break my neck but it looks so fun :(

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