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I'm filling out this form so my counselor can write me a recommendation and it asks
"What would you like me to know about you?"
"What would you like colleges to know about you?"
"What's a talent, characteristic, or trait that makes you unique?"
"What are three qualities or character traits you would use to describe yourself?"
Ummmmm I'm not interesting enough to have different answers for all of those things? Is that an acceptable answer?

You ought to ask these questions of a good (honest) friend or family member. They will help bring out things that are often difficult to say about yourself.
Bio exam tomorrow, English quiz tomorrow, psych exam Thursday, English paper due Friday, soc quiz Monday...... The list goes on... Freaking out over all of this!
is it bad that i almost exclusively go on the boards on my laptop because i have so many people ignored that the board on my phone is intolerable... ?

sometimes i feel like that is mean. but then i remember that it actually makes me a nicer person when i don't have to read stupid things... if only the app could continue to ignore my ever-expanding list.. sigh.
I hate that my ignored list doesn't carry over to the app
You ought to ask these questions of a good (honest) friend or family member. They will help bring out things that are often difficult to say about yourself.
Thanks! I think that is what I will have to do because I definitely don't know what to put!
Can I go on a slight rant? My team has been practicing since the end of May. We cleaned our school songs tonight. The practice AFTER our first home game. Please tell me how this makes sense. What makes it worse is that I remember a conversation at the beginning at the season where one of the seniors said "last year all the seniors wanted to do was stunt" Well, that's basically a majority of what we do during practice now. 3 of us are also on our poms team, and we have 1 stunt group that doesn't have a crossover in it. They are usually the ones that do the most stunting too, so it kind of makes me mad. Like you only get us for 2 hours a week. You guys have 4. Shouldn't we be doing stuff instead? You guys can do your thing without us
Ok, so the BF and I are planning on painting inspirational quotes around our place together, does anybody have any good ones? We both battle mental disorders and have decided to paint little reminders to stay strong and have faith on the walls, so feel free to leave any ideas! :kiss:
Ok, so the BF and I are planning on painting inspirational quotes around our place together, does anybody have any good ones? We both battle mental disorders and have decided to paint little reminders to stay strong and have faith on the walls, so feel free to leave any ideas! :kiss:

Yes, my love for quotes and pretty words and collecting them is finally going to pay off. Here are some. I have a lot more here: awfullybigadventureee.tumblr.com/tagged/quotes
There are a lot that have come from mental illness/recovery blogs if you want to take a look at those. Sometimes when I'm having a rough time I go through all those quotes to distract myself and uplift, even if that sounds really corny :p These ones might help out though.

PS - don't hold me accountable if the person who said them is incorrect. They came from tumblr.... So that should tell you everything.

You are a bird
With a broken wing.
They can set
The bone
And make it heal,
But only you
Can teach yourself
To fly free again.

Don’t give up! It’s not over. The universe is balanced. Every set-back bears with it the seeds of a come-back.
― Steve Maraboli

You will face your greatest opposition when you are closest to your biggest miracle.
― Shannon L. Alder

He who does not understand your silence will probably not understand your words.
Elbert Hubbard

The universe is under no obligation to make sense to you.
Neil DeGrasse Tyson

Maybe everyone can live beyond what they’re capable of.
― Markus Zusak

You're not broken darling; all those cracks, big or small, are the places where your light shines through.

Kites rise highest against the wind, not with it.
― Winston Churchill

All that is gold does not glitter, not all those who wander are lost. The old that is strong does not wither, deep roots are not reached by the frost.
-JRR Tolkien
(That one is one of my all time favorite quotes. I had it hanging in my dorm room one semester and loved everything about it. So powerful.)

I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me.
Joshua Graham

God will not look you over for medals, degrees or diplomas but for scars.
― Elbert Hubbard

It doesn’t matter if the water is cold or warm if you’re going to have to wade through it anyway.
― Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

A bird sitting on a tree is never afraid of the branch breaking because her trust is not in the branch but in her wings. Believe in yourself.

I feel small; but so are stars from a distance.

Adversity, if for no other reason, is of benefit, since it is sure to bring a season of sober reflection. People see clearer at such times. Storms purify the atmosphere.
― Henry Ward Beecher

Do not try to be pretty. You weren’t meant to be pretty; you were meant to burn down the earth and graffiti the sky. Don’t let anyone ever simplify you to just “pretty."
Yes, my love for quotes and pretty words and collecting them is finally going to pay off. Here are some. I have a lot more here: awfullybigadventureee.tumblr.com/tagged/quotes
There are a lot that have come from mental illness/recovery blogs if you want to take a look at those. Sometimes when I'm having a rough time I go through all those quotes to distract myself and uplift, even if that sounds really corny :p These ones might help out though.

PS - don't hold me accountable if the person who said them is incorrect. They came from tumblr.... So that should tell you everything.

You are a bird
With a broken wing.
They can set
The bone
And make it heal,
But only you
Can teach yourself
To fly free again.

Don’t give up! It’s not over. The universe is balanced. Every set-back bears with it the seeds of a come-back.
― Steve Maraboli

You will face your greatest opposition when you are closest to your biggest miracle.
― Shannon L. Alder

He who does not understand your silence will probably not understand your words.
Elbert Hubbard

The universe is under no obligation to make sense to you.
Neil DeGrasse Tyson

Maybe everyone can live beyond what they’re capable of.
― Markus Zusak

You're not broken darling; all those cracks, big or small, are the places where your light shines through.

Kites rise highest against the wind, not with it.
― Winston Churchill

All that is gold does not glitter, not all those who wander are lost. The old that is strong does not wither, deep roots are not reached by the frost.
-JRR Tolkien
(That one is one of my all time favorite quotes. I had it hanging in my dorm room one semester and loved everything about it. So powerful.)

I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me.
Joshua Graham

God will not look you over for medals, degrees or diplomas but for scars.
― Elbert Hubbard

It doesn’t matter if the water is cold or warm if you’re going to have to wade through it anyway.
― Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

A bird sitting on a tree is never afraid of the branch breaking because her trust is not in the branch but in her wings. Believe in yourself.

I feel small; but so are stars from a distance.

Adversity, if for no other reason, is of benefit, since it is sure to bring a season of sober reflection. People see clearer at such times. Storms purify the atmosphere.
― Henry Ward Beecher

Do not try to be pretty. You weren’t meant to be pretty; you were meant to burn down the earth and graffiti the sky. Don’t let anyone ever simplify you to just “pretty."
Seriously could not be more grateful you posted all of these! Thank you so much :D:kiss:
I'm going to try. I didn't let myself watch until I finished the book, which I did this morning.
The show is doing a wonderful job of following the book. There are some deviations of course but they are just a means to an end, and most of the time work visually to enhance the plot rather than detract from it. Ronald Moore took the fan base of 20+ years for this book verra seriously ;) and between him and Diana Gabaldon's input, have created something worthy of the novel to give the readers. (Can you tell this is my favorite series of books?) I honestly have only 2 complaints so far overall, and since they are from the first episode I have been able to get past them.

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