OT New Random Thread Pt. 3

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It's so silly. For every good show that gets rightfully recognized (Veep, Game of Thrones, 30 Rock) there are tons of others that get completely ignored, year after year.

And I'm SO PUMPED about the Hamilton soundtrack! I've listened to a few songs already and they are excellent.

it only took them 8 years to give Jon Hamm an emmy finally. And dont even get my started on the oscars and dicaprio still not having one.........
Oh my god. I'm in world languages right now and we're watching a french video of some guy doing parkour. He's tumbling off of buildings, which is cool, but his form is awful. I want to cry; he threw a layout with his legs apart and then threw a balled over death spiral "full" and everyone applauded. I'm like: :eek:
kickoff at noon. I'm hoping it stays dry for at least the first half. I don't mind so much if Friday and Sunday are washouts.
CP said the same thing about the weather. She got a cute pair of rainboots and says she hasn't worn them yet because when it rains it is only for about 20 minutes and then you just look dumb wearing boots when the rest of the day is sunny.
For what it's worth, last Saturday read about a 60% chance of rain all day and we didn't get a drop. I never trust Columbia weather until I'm out there in it. (But I'm still bringing a poncho just in case)
Wait, really? I thought he was great.
Yeah really. I like Andy and maybe I was just expecting more but I guess he did okay for the times I saw. I also fell asleep about halfway through so maybe I missed the best stuff.

**Sometimes I'm a little slow but other times it just takes me a while to get it**
What's with Temple this season? Penn State lost to them 2 weeks ago in the season opener. It was their first lost to them in 70 years.
shout out to the AAC!!!! We play Temple on our Thursday night blackout game so I'm already assuming it's gonna be rowdy based on how they've been doing
:banghead:Ughh UCF you can't even beat a liberal arts college with less then 2,000 students... We're doomed this season.
it's okay ECU isn't doing so well this season either
Ughh why are women so catty :banghead: like clearly age and maturity has nothing to do with how back stabbing women can be. I think im the least dramatic woman I know at this point.
It never gets better. Just accept that now and your life will be much happier knowing your first impressions are usually correct.
Ughh why are women so catty :banghead: like clearly age and maturity has nothing to do with how back stabbing women can be. I think im the least dramatic woman I know at this point.
And this post is not dramatic? Lol. Jk UCF.

**Sometimes I'm a little slow but other times it just takes me a while to get it**
Ughh why are women so catty :banghead: like clearly age and maturity has nothing to do with how back stabbing women can be. I think im the least dramatic woman I know at this point.
I wonder why we keep lying to kids, telling them that the cattiness and bullying eventually stops.
I wonder why we keep lying to kids, telling them that the cattiness and bullying eventually stops.
We don't. The people behind those behaviors rarely change; they just become miserable adults who continue to be a$$hats and b*tches, just in a larger sizes version. What changes, though, is how you respond to it and how you stop caring about it as you get older. That's what I've always taught my kids.
And this post is not dramatic? Lol. Jk UCF.

**Sometimes I'm a little slow but other times it just takes me a while to get it**
Work vent, i made that comment while on break, lol. but no really i had some grown woman (probably twice my age) stand two inches away from me and talk crap about me to another employee while training today. I mean this is the person who is suppose to be training me, yet she would rather talk crap then help me fix my mistake. go figure.
i have no problem taking criticism, but dont intentionally do it standing right behind me, as if im deaf, i mean basically all my trust in that person just flew out the window. I dont know i think im TOO nice compared to most people. i dont judge people for who they are or the mistakes they make cause thats just life, but ive crossed people who will take that one little mistake and hang it over your head like its the plague.

ive worked in A LOT of kitchens, and i always find the women ive worked with to be the most unhelpful and over reacting compared to any guy ive ever worked along side of (and this is a male dominated industry)
Work vent, i made that comment while on break, lol. but no really i had some grown woman (probably twice my age) stand two inches away from me and talk crap about me to another employee while training today. I mean this is the person who is suppose to be training me, yet she would rather talk crap then help me fix my mistake. go figure.
i have no problem taking criticism, but dont intentionally do it standing right behind me, as if im deaf, i mean basically all my trust in that person just flew out the window. I dont know i think im TOO nice compared to most people. i dont judge people for who they are or the mistakes they make cause thats just life, but ive crossed people who will take that one little mistake and hang it over your head like its the plague.

ive worked in A LOT of kitchens, and i always find the women ive worked with to be the most unhelpful and over reacting compared to any guy ive ever worked along side of (and this is a male dominated industry)
That stinks. Too bad you can't duct tape her mouth shut so she can't say that poo.

**Sometimes I'm a little slow but other times it just takes me a while to get it**
We don't. The people behind those behaviors rarely change; they just become miserable adults who continue to be a$$hats and b*tches, just in a larger sizes version. What changes, though, is how you respond to it and how you stop caring about it as you get older. That's what I've always taught my kids.
From my experience, the common mantra was "don't worry, when you graduate, the cattiness stops". I was shocked when I head stories about women in the workplace.
From my experience, the common mantra was "don't worry, when you graduate, the cattiness stops". I was shocked when I head stories about women in the workplace.

Not just women. Men too. I think one of the hardest things for me and what leaves me disillusioned about my career is the amount of cattiness and pettiness from people at work. I always thought that life after college would be free from it. Adults acting like adults. Since I was 24, I've always supervised people old enough to be my parent or grandparent. That's what happens when working for libraries where you need education to advance and not (just ) experience. Every day of my life since I was offered my first professional librarian job has been high school....but with old people.

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