OT New Random Thread Pt. 3

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@Pebbles49 @iwearmysunglassesatnight @Eyes On The Prize

As much as i love all this advice, ignoring her is almost impossible, cause she dont take to kindly to that either, she'll stand there and rudely repeat "are you listening" "did you hear me" over and over again till you acknowledge her.....
i flipped out at least twice today, and told her to "back off" and "its fine", "i got this" etc. among other things pretty aggressively enough for the three guys working next to us to take notice. And even that didnt stop her from her condescending attitude... i literally had to walk away and take a trip to the bathroom to cool off at one point.

i was so excited when i got this job, and this one issue is ruining it for me, its just starting to become hard to put up with day after day.
should i stay or should i go?

so my job is making me miserable again, i cant physically stand working with a certain coworker who i cant avoid for obvious reasons, its starting to effect my work, and i now have at least one chef who clearly doesnt like me and makes it quite clear who his favorite person on our station is (take a guess.......) im contemplating going back to my old location, i miss working with people who i actually enjoyed being around.

both my parents and boyfriend think i should just find a job where im happy even if it means leaving something ive been working so hard and long to finally get.... i HATE giving up, and this is the kind of restaurant ive always wanted to work in, but this job is literally starting to make me depressed.

has anyone ever been in a situation like this before, would love some advice.
would you stick it out even if it made you miserable in hopes that it got better, or would you leave? im just stuck in an stressful situation i feel. I mean has anyone worked really hard for something they thought they would enjoy and realized once they got it, that it was making you miserable or unhappy?

*dont know why i posted this to the 18+ section when i meant to post it on the regular random forum, so sorry in advance for the double post.*
I was in this situation a few years ago. I complained to HR because after going through my chain of command did nothing I was forced to do something with the way I was being treated. HR only gave me the option to either go back to my same position at my same location or leave. So I said ok here's your position. They were shocked that I said I was going to leave because I think they figured that I'd just go back. I say if you're so unhappy that you're in tears everyday or angry and upset then it's not worth it. But that's my opinion. I loved my job but hated certain management and a supervisor who I had once loved who started to change due to personal stuff going on at home. I'm a firm believer in keeping it professional and leaving drama at the door but it goes for management as well. Don't tell me to act a certain way and then think your exempt because I report to you. Anyway best decision I've made. While it sucked and set me back a bit I figure life is too short to be miserable in the workplace.
I can deal with snakes, they aren't a problem for me. But a bear? I'd prefer there to be a solid wall and bullet proof glass between me and him. An opossum would gross me out to no end. They are worse than all the rats in NYC combined. Eww eww eww.
I was randomly watching MTV over the weekend, and they had one of those little promos in between commercial breaks asking one of those "Would you rather" questions. They asked would you rather spend five minutes in a cage with a bear or go a year without a smart phone. I had to seriously ponder that one.
I was randomly watching MTV over the weekend, and they had one of those little promos in between commercial breaks asking one of those "Would you rather" questions. They asked would you rather spend five minutes in a cage with a bear or go a year without a smart phone. I had to seriously ponder that one.
5 minutes with the bear lol I couldn't get work done without my phone.
I'm so thoroughly impressed with people who went out or celebrated Halloweekend 2-3 days and had full out, all-in, not half a$$ed costumes every time. I had trouble making a costume for one night but some people nailed in three days in a row. You go, Glen Coco
I'm so thoroughly impressed with people who went out or celebrated Halloweekend 2-3 days and had full out, all-in, not half a$$ed costumes every time. I had trouble making a costume for one night but some people nailed in three days in a row. You go, Glen Coco
My friends and I were discussing this while going through snapchats of other friends still in school. I don't know how people did it. Especially the ones who went out all three nights in a row. We went out for one night and it took a solid week of preparation and will take about a week to decompress.
My friends and I were discussing this while going through snapchats of other friends still in school. I don't know how people did it. Especially the ones who went out all three nights in a row. We went out for one night and it took a solid week of preparation and will take about a week to decompress.
Agreed. And some of those costumes had to have been expensive to buy/make. But power to those people.
I was randomly watching MTV over the weekend, and they had one of those little promos in between commercial breaks asking one of those "Would you rather" questions. They asked would you rather spend five minutes in a cage with a bear or go a year without a smart phone. I had to seriously ponder that one.

depends on the kind of bear and how big the cage is.

but probably the bear.
I'm so thoroughly impressed with people who went out or celebrated Halloweekend 2-3 days and had full out, all-in, not half a$$ed costumes every time. I had trouble making a costume for one night but some people nailed in three days in a row. You go, Glen Coco
I was making my costume for Saturday on Saturday. I don't know how everyone did it multiple nights... Especially as broke college students - I'm spent less than $10 on my costume and was like [emoji29].
People here started Halloween parties on Wednesday... That's four halloweens! First of all how do you go out on two school nights in one week... It's not syllabus week anymore we're actually learning. Second of all I need sleep too much to go out four days in a row.

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Sorry, nope, I have to choose going without a phone for 1 year... Um, you realize, we are talking about 5 minutes in a cage with a roly poly bear, which in other words, more than 300 seconds or better yet, 3000 nanoseconds, well, once in the cage with that bear will feel like eternity and I guestimate, that at least 4 of those minutes, this bear will be ripping your flesh off your bones without anesthesia... Please, take the phone and I will just borrow my friends' phone for a year...just saying!:D