OT New Random Thread Pt. 3

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Tonight was one of those nights where I worry about my future and I research a certain "adult" thing (tonight was 401k vs. IRA) and I came across this blog that said the best way to save for retirement was to get a good paying job. And to get a good paying job you had to go to college and major in something that isn't pointless like graphic design or computer science.... Oh, ok. :splat:

Should we throw Mass Communications into the mix,too? That way the major and both minors I had in school are covered. I am super glad to know all 4 years of my schooling was pointless yayyyy :)

Anyways, their blog looked horrible. The front end design and the back end design were severely lacking. Maybe they should hire a programmer or a graphic designer to fix it #bazinga
Computer science is useless? Lol ok. Tell that to one of the profs at my school who was part of a team that developed software that tracks child predator websites, so police won't have to look at that kind of stuff.

(If it makes you feel better, my major is probably one of those "why would you do that if you aren't planning on grad school?!" degrees.)

When I was reading it, I was like "ok ok, I get the graphic design thing but computer science? Really??? Where are they getting their information from?"

I really have no regrets getting (what is essentially) an art degree. I love what I get to do, I'm good at it, it's fulfilling to me, and there is a lot of opportunity out there in the field. Plus, there are a lot of high level jobs in my field that you don't need to go to grad school and take on more debt to get. (I mean I still want to go to grad school but I'd be ok without it). Win-win-win for me.

But I always feel bad for my parents. One kid has an art degree and the other kid is graduating this year with a theatre degree. (Though it's really more like sound engineering through the theatre department and he is fantastic at what he does. He's worked with Gym Class Heroes, Panic! At the Disco, The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, and a lot more musical people before he even graduates with his bachelors.) People must think my parents are the craziest people for supporting both kids through "pointless" degrees. But we are doing quite alright. So F the haters.

My great grandma went to a psychic when she was younger and was told one of her grandchildren or great-grandchildren were going to be rich or famous. It's obvi going to be my brother or I :p (Or possibly my cousin who went to culinary school and his first year out got to cook for Tiger Woods and received high praise by him. Another "pointless" degree according to most, btw. We are the family of pointless degrees.) Pointless degrees ftw!

ETA: honestly, if you went for/are going for a "pointless" degree, embrace it, work hard, and prove everyone wrong who told you it wasn't going to work out. And those people who went to school and "played it safe" even if it wasn't what they wanted. You were the one who took the chance and "successful" means something different to everyone.
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@Eyes On The Prize I have a Roth IRA. It was my birthday present last year. (Because that's normally what you get for your 21st birthday, right?) My dad did all of the finance stuff and set it up for me, now I just have an automatic deposit for it set up monthly. He went for a Roth IRA instead of a traditional IRA because the contributions are tax free and when I get to retire in like 40 years, the withdrawls are tax free too. The contributions aren't tax deductible though. I know nothing about 401ks.
I work for a bank

All I do is process investments all day into IRA's, joint wros accounts, utma/ugma, and college America 529 accts

I then hate my life because my kid doesn't have a million dollar trust fund and I don't even have an ira... I'm going to be poor for life. Lol

What kills me the most is when I see people with a Roth IRA, a traditional ira, an individual acct all with a lot of money and 5 kids with 350,000$ in there college America accounts each then instead I day dream on how successful that person must be to put away that much money.. And then my imagination runs wild with what these people possibly do for a living. I'm sure they are very busy and hardworking people.
And I'm super happy for them.

I wish I had an Ira and I wish I had an utma for my daughter. One day.
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@Eyes On The Prize I have a Roth IRA. It was my birthday present last year. (Because that's normally what you get for your 21st birthday, right?) My dad did all of the finance stuff and set it up for me, now I just have an automatic deposit for it set up monthly. He went for a Roth IRA instead of a traditional IRA because the contributions are tax free and when I get to retire in like 40 years, the withdrawls are tax free too. The contributions aren't tax deductible though. I know nothing about 401ks.

Thank you! I don't know much about any of it which I why I spent all night trying to figure it out. If only they taught this stuff in school (but instead of important things, I remember how to square dance... Thanks gym class?) I still feel like I know nothing - it's all so confusing :p I think I need to find a night class about this stuff at a community college and sit down to learn more about it all.

I was reading that it's possible to take your 401k from your old job and put it into an IRA when you get a new job instead of taking a lump sum (which I read is the worst plan) or leaving it in a 401k. I think I will most likely try to do something along those lines unless I find a better idea.
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Thank you! I don't know much about any of it which I why I spent all night trying to figure it out. If only they taught this stuff in school (but instead of important things, I remember how to square dance... Thanks gym class?) I still feel like I know nothing - it's all so confusing :p I think I need to find a night class about this stuff at a community college and sit down to learn more about it all.

I was reading that it's possible to take your 401k from your old job and put it into an IRA when you get a new job instead of taking a lump sum (which I read is the worst plan) or leaving it in a 401k. I think I will most likely try to do something along those lines unless I find a better idea.
You can either transfer your 401k to an IRA or roll it over to your new company's 401k. Anyone who is working and their company is offering a 401k program - CONTRIBUTE!! Even if it is just 2% - you won't even see the difference in your paycheck since the 401k deduction comes out before they tax your wages, and it adds up over the years, but do at least 5% if you can! If your company does any type of match, it can be a huge benefit.
yes!!! Our family went on a New York State Park adventure hitting
Minnewaska, Letchworth, Niagara and Watkins Glen! We had a great time and have some truly amazing pics!!

Letchworth is my favorite NY park! (Watkins Glen is def top 5). It's so beautiful and the views are amazing. Did you guys go up on the tracks over Upper Falls?

If you ever do a NY vacation again and you like boating, you should definitely check out the Thousand Islands area. There's no waterfalls but it's simply breath taking. It sits right between the US and Canadian borders. It's one of my favorite places ever.
You can either transfer your 401k to an IRA or roll it over to your new company's 401k. Anyone who is working and their company is offering a 401k program - CONTRIBUTE!! Even if it is just 2% - you won't even see the difference in your paycheck since the 401k deduction comes out before they tax your wages, and it adds up over the years, but do at least 5% if you can! If your company does any type of match, it can be a huge benefit.
Yes... Now that I work doing stuff like this I see it a lot.

Sometimes on the transmittals we have way more information about the customer then we need to know considering all we are doing is applying the money to their account.. Like how much they make, what percentage they have taken out, how much their specific pay check was, how much company match .. And I'm like wow I wouldn't even miss this. This is McDonald's and Starbucks too me... But they add up and I see young kids all the time with nice amounts that they accumulated that they probably never even miss!
It's so good to start early.. I wish I was educated a lot earlier in life!

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Letchworth is my favorite NY park! (Watkins Glen is def top 5). It's so beautiful and the views are amazing. Did you guys go up on the tracks over Upper Falls?

If you ever do a NY vacation again and you like boating, you should definitely check out the Thousand Islands area. There's no waterfalls but it's simply breath taking. It sits right between the US and Canadian borders. It's one of my favorite places ever.
We did hike up to the trestle bridge... not an easy hike for an out of shape cheer mom lol...
Thousand Islands is on the bucketlist... who needs waterfalls when you have castles?? Hopefully this summer!
So I got set up to fail at my job today...had VIPs come in today and of course im on the one area where they order 26 salads and then some all at once while everyone else get 5 or 6 items on their stations. Then of course I get absolutely no help until I'm so far in the weeds there was no point in trying to recover. Got screamed at for it then ignored the rest of day by staff and managers because of it. I'm really trying to make it through Christmas before transferring so I can possibly get it off but now I'm wondering if it's even worth it to wait.
I think I need to switch environment ASAP (ASAP = next fall, lol). I've always wanted to go to the US for like a half a year or something, but pretty much the only way to go is to study or be an au pair.

1. Is it too late to do a "study abroad" thing at a college/university when you're 23? I feel old. :(
2. I prefer to go to a city where a car is not needed. I'm thinking about Boston or Honolulu. Any advice?