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I understand your frustration, especially if this is the 2nd time this same situation happened to your child.. but it isn't exactly the USASF's fault that you chose a gym with no senior division level 5s.
But doesn't anyone see the contradiction here? We were just berating gyms that threw dangerous level 5 teams on the floor in the deceased thread, but now we accept that this parent has to take their child to another gym because this one doesn't throw together one of those marginal-to-shabby L5 teams?

THIS is why small gyms can't win this battle, and it is sad. This program (whoever they are) chose not to create a 'janky' level 5 team. And now they lose for doing the right thing.
But doesn't anyone see the contradiction here? We were just berating gyms that threw dangerous level 5 teams on the floor in the deceased thread, but now we accept that this parent has to take their child to another gym because this one doesn't throw together one of those marginal-to-shabby L5 teams?

THIS is why small gyms can't win this battle, and it is sad. This program (whoever they are) chose not to create a 'janky' level 5 team. And now they lose for doing the right thing.

They have a level 5 team though International Coed 5. I have known people who have went to a new gym because they did not over a team for them that season. If that gym doesn't offer a senior level 5 and only IOC5 then you either take the lower level team or you go find a gym that has a senior level 5. I don't know what gym it is and if the IOC5 is a true level 5 team, but if it isn't then I wouldn't want to be part of that team anyway, even if it meant going to worlds.
WOW, just got caught up reading this whole thread and the only thing that I liked was: when they finally posted these compromises, every other post was about bacon. Hahaha!

Reallycoolcheermommy Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I think the emphasis on Worlds needs to be taken away. You do realize it is a USASF sponsored event? So we can't scream at the USASF on one hand and then rave on the other about Worlds bids and how much Worlds means to us and our kids. If a new federation pops up from IEP everyone better be prepared to walk away from Worlds, because I can guarantee some kind of letter will go out saying if you compete at an IEP event you cant earn a bid to Worlds.
So that is my question to all of the parents of level 5 Worlds athletes...if the USASF doesn't fix this and leaves things as they are...are you ready to walk away from Worlds?

Where is it and when!

I paid for Worlds on my credit card so I can dispute it on account of bad service!
have you never had chocolate covered bacon? or maple bacon walnut donuts?! omg do you live under a rock!!! don't knock it til you try it :) it's the perfect combination of salty/sweet. now i've never had this sundae but if someone gave it to me to try i wendy's fries with a chocolate frosty...yum
Nope salty and sweet deliciousness is pretzel M&M's....that's where I draw the line :p
I thought this was especially interesting...

"While fully respecting and appreciating each individual’s right to freely express themselves, it is imperative that those who are involved with the USASF on an official basis or project conduct themselves constructively and professionally with respect for their peers working within the organization. Based on the developments that have recently transpired regarding these rules, the USASF will soon be issuing its own standards of conduct relative to official work being done on behalf of the USASF. To hold an official position, including a USASF committee position, the USASF will require that members discuss and address these issues within the organization’s official structure."

Maybe I'm the only one who sees this, but to me this sounds like a slap on the wrist of USASF members who have fierceboards/facebooks/twitters. It's like the USASF got mad their dirty laundry got aired to the public and we didn't just accept their rules.

On that note: The USASF is only as powerful as we make them. As someone mentioned above, how long before kick doubles become too dangerous? Or 2 and 1/2 high pyramids? Everyone has to realize, if we as a community don't like what our governing body is doing, we have the right to take our business somewhere else. That's right, we are the business and we all agree that they are who's in charge. But if everyone all of a sudden decided not to listen to Jim Chadwick, he'd be out of a job. And that does mean no more Worlds. And it does mean an overhaul of the industry. But this sport has problems I don't feel like the USASF has or will. And address. But if things go on the way they are, maybe it's time for a change
I guess I'm still trying to reconcile this - if you had evidence that certain tumbling skills were dangerous, and were confident enough in that evidence to ask for an out-of-cycle rules change, then why would you "compromise"?

I can justify compromise in other areas, like the age grid or the appearance policy. (which apparently is remaining as-is) But at least have the courage of your convictions - if you have proof certain skills are unsafe, ban them. People will adjust.

The fact that the USASF was willing to backtrack so easily suggests that the safety concern was either a.) overblown, b.) didn't have evidence to support it or c.) a Trojan horse.
Oh, and there's this from the USASF letter:

In recent days, some have advocated leaving decisions on what specific skills can be
performed by an athlete strictly to the coaches and athletes themselves, thereby
eliminating any restrictions. The result would be allowing virtually any skill to be
attempted. The Board believes that this approach would have a devastating effect on our
sport (envision four high pyramids, basket tosses from shoulder stands, and double or
triple backs with multiple twists on the floor and in baskets).

The whole paragraph is a straw man - I'm not sure how many people have advocated leaving the decision on what skills to perform strictly to coaches and athletes. The real concern was with eliminating skills that had been part of the tumbling rubric without clear evidence for their removal.
I'm not smart enough to know what the whole paragraph is a straw man means but.......the rest I agree with.

Did anyone hear people asking that ALL restrictions be in no rules? I didn't.

Basket tosses from shoulder that even possible?
On the plus side we can all go get a bacon sundae at burger King to make us feel better...


I feel pretty disgusted now and it's not even the new rules that caused it...

Really?? Eww

Omg !!! Bacon sundaes are soooo good !!!!

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