I agree much of the responsibility falls on the coaches...after all these kids are THEIR athletes and represent THEIR gym. But like it's been pointed out, many coaches engage in the same behavior. You have coaches who post pictures of themselves drinking... I'm not talking about a simple wine glass in the hand or sitting on the table, but holding bottles bottoms up with the thumbs up sign, taking shots out of their shot glass necklaces.... no names mentioned because I do like those coaches. But it doesn't exactly set the best example. Even though it's legal for them, the fact is that kids underage look up to them.
I think my "defensive" standpoint earlier comes from the fact that I was raised under VERY strict rules. I had the parents who never drank themselves, so it was ESPECIALLY unacceptable for me to ever think of doing so. They weren't the "oh crap we have a teenager it's going to happen, let's be prepared and talk some sense into her.." type parents. They were the "drink once and you're throwing your entire life away with this unthinkable sin" type parents. I always envied my friends with the "we don't want you to drink, but it's high school and we know you probably will at some point... please use your head and mostly do NOT drive. we're even willing to come pick you up. we'd be disappointed but want your safety" type parents. I was in high school. I thought I ruled the world. I was going to do what I wanted to do, despite the rules. Since my rules were stricter now I just decided to sneak around and do it instead. My point is I certainly don't believe turning a blind eye is the answer but no matter how strict the rules or how hard you come down on the issue, it will still be there and sometimes make it even worse. Am I saying to not even bother enforcing rules? Absolutely not! I'm saying don't be naive enough to think they won't still be broken by some. I'll say it like I've been saying in my posts about the Bangkok issue... look to the authority. Look to those responsible for the athletes. It's up to them to enforce the rules.