Speaking for myself, and I may have responded to this in another thread, but They won't hold up in court in the states that I have lived in, WV, OH, PA, NC, NJ-i did check:deadhorse: I was basically told, that if this was your main source of income, which it has been for 10 of my 27 years of coaching, and if it was something that was going to be pursued, which it never was going to be, except when i lived in NJ, the owner of the gymnastics facility really wanted to get us all out of coaching anywhere near this particular gym, which was no big deal for me anyway, I needed to move home to WV at the time anyhow, so it all worked out, then I had another experience where the Gym owners decided to not honor all of the contracts with FT employees, in western NC, I almost went after them, but chose not to, I accepted another offer from another program 4 states away, and again, it all worked out for me on this occasion too! One has to pay the mortgage, and child support one way or another wether you are a coach, teacher, corporate employee, I would imagine....:fro: