All-Star Not So Funny Thing Happened....

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Lets not derail this thread and remember that people from all over the country and the world in cheer do things differently. I find many of the arguments on the boards start with people not respecting the differences of others.
What problem?
I'm a mother first and I know everything my daughter texts, tweets, and facebooks.

The problem isn't with my 7 year old talking about swag,
the problem is these kids sending inappropriate pics, doing drugs, and talking to who they don't need to be talking too.

If I want to let me daughter text her cheer friends, and her grandmother then that's something I choose to do.
My daughter is very smart. She makes excellent grades and I know she is in the top of her class. Quite a few people know my cp on here and they can attest to that. So please worry about your own kids.

Thank you.

How do you control what she sees on FB and twitter? You can't control what the kids she is friends with post. If she's using her phone you can't always see what she is seeing if that makes sense. Sorry, I just don't get it. I have a 14, 12 and 9 year old and the younger two aren't allowed anywhere near FB and Twitter because I know I can't control what other people post. I just found two messages (I check his account daily but he rarely uses it...thinks it's stupid) in my 14 year old's message box from people claiming to know his grandparents (had their names and everything). But hey...all the power to you if you want to let your 7 year old have access to social media.
Sorry, but this is part of the problem. The fact that people don't see an issue with a 7 year old texting, tweeting and facebooking away. Not sure what happened to common sense in "the social media" age!!!! Ugh.

it's 2012 and unfortunately it's the age we live in. i think that i am computer saavy but my daughter shows me tricks on the ipad, they use them in her classroom. she is 8 and has been begging for a facebook account. i refuse but that's just my personal opinion on it. she has friends who have facebook accounts but they are never on it.

she also has an old iphone (with no service but gets wifi) and has text free on it. text her and she might text you back - a few weeks from now. lol

if Kris10boo monitors her daughter and allows her to have facebook and twitter than that is her right. to each his own...
How do you control what she sees on FB and twitter? You can't control what the kids she is friends with post. If she's using her phone you can't always see what she is seeing if that makes sense. Sorry, I just don't get it. I have a 14, 12 and 9 year old and the younger two aren't allowed anywhere near FB and Twitter because I know I can't control what other people post. I just found two messages (I check his account daily but he rarely uses it...thinks it's stupid) in my 14 year old's message box from people claiming to know his grandparents (had their names and everything). But hey...all the power to you if you want to let your 7 year old have access to social media.
"But hey"....she's her daughters parent, you're not. Its her choice, not yours.
It's not just in cheer, but in all of business and all of life.

I had an employee call me "the focus of evil" at my last job. I didn't really believe him.
wow...those are some harsh words. Of course they're not true...I mean, you aren't the entire focus ;)
Yes I wouldn't go as far as calling you satan's general or anything...maybe a soldier but definitely not like a CEO.

I'd say minion is definitely a fair term
I feel there is a general consensus that respecting a parent's decisions for their child is the right thing for any business owner to do. It makes the difference of a past client speaking well of a former gym or giving bad reviews. Both equally impact the gym's future business.

I ran into the same situation with my CP. The only gym in Goldsboro did not have higher than level 3 team and Megan had level 5 skills she could not compete. When we looked into tryouts somewhere else I went to the owner directly out of respect and let him know so he didn't hear it from someone else. I told him he was a good guy, we had not made a decision yet, but we would let him know first when we did. I felt safe because he had repeatedly said "I'll always support what's best for your child."

When his reaction was sour, to the point of shunning Megan and making her cry, I didn't feel like I owed him anything. We still finished out the season like we had committed, but I no longer gave any positive reviews. He gave her the cold shoulder at competitions the following year even though she wasn't competing in the same division. 5 years later he still doesn't have higher than a level 3 team and Megan now has an opportunity to cheer in college. I am not sorry for our decision one bit and I still don't give him any good reviews (although I don't go out of my way to talk about him either)
an iphone? wowzers this might sound mean but your child sounds spoiled. not to be rude because i was spoiled as well and my siblings all hated me for it. that just kinda takes me back and 7 year old with an iphone.

Lol if it makes you feel any better hers is only a 3GS. Mine is the newer one but I see no reason a 7 year old needed a brand new one when hers works great.

Also because of my AT&T job I got major discounts on phones and service so hers really doesn't cost that much.
I had actually got this phone in my name on my account 2 years ago for a friend but after 2 months he decided he couldn't "afford" it anymore. So I had to keep it and pay for it since it was under contract so I just gave it to my daughter when she was 5. It just now recently came out of contract but I would feel mean to cancel it on her when she has done nothing wrong. It's also eligible for an upgrade but like I said she is fine with her 3GS. So no worries!
Lol if it makes you feel any better hers is only a 3GS. Mine is the newer one but I see no reason a 7 year old needed a brand new one when hers works great.

Also because of my AT&T job I got major discounts on phones and service so hers really doesn't cost that much.
I had actually got this phone in my name on my account 2 years ago for a friend but after 2 months he decided he couldn't "afford" it anymore. So I had to keep it and pay for it since it was under contract so I just gave it to my daughter when she was 5. It just now recently came out of contract but I would feel mean to cancel it on her when she has done nothing wrong. It's also eligible for an upgrade but like I said she is fine with her 3GS. So no worries!
You are obviously doing a great job with your daughter, she is awesome! There isn't just one correct way to parent. Different strokes for different folks, and if you can afford an iPhone for your daughter then why not?
You are obviously doing a great job with your daughter, she is awesome! There isn't just one correct way to parent. Different strokes for different folks, and if you can afford an iPhone for your daughter then why not?

Thanks this means a lot to me. I kind of regret posting in here earlier if I knew it was going to stir up everything it did. :(
Thanks again for the kind words!
Lol if it makes you feel any better hers is only a 3GS. Mine is the newer one but I see no reason a 7 year old needed a brand new one when hers works great.

Also because of my AT&T job I got major discounts on phones and service so hers really doesn't cost that much.
I had actually got this phone in my name on my account 2 years ago for a friend but after 2 months he decided he couldn't "afford" it anymore. So I had to keep it and pay for it since it was under contract so I just gave it to my daughter when she was 5. It just now recently came out of contract but I would feel mean to cancel it on her when she has done nothing wrong. It's also eligible for an upgrade but like I said she is fine with her 3GS. So no worries!
Your daughter is adorable and seems to be a great kid! Heck let her have the iPhone! Most young girls do now anyways! Plus I love her tweets(: can't wait to meet y'all this season!
Your daughter is adorable and seems to be a great kid! Heck let her have the iPhone! Most young girls do now anyways! Plus I love her tweets(: can't wait to meet y'all this season!

Lol I understood their side of things with the tweets and the Facebook but I know a lot of 7 year olds, with iPhones so that came as a shock to me.
Thank you very much this is really nice to say and yes I'm super excited about us getting to meet you this season!:)
I'm not a business owner but I don't see the use in denying privates to people who aren't members of your gym? What's the worst that could happen? If they don't want to join that's fine, but if they have good experiences they may spread the word to 5 of their friends who DO want to join...

Maybe it's the poor college student in me...but I'm never going to turn down money. haha
Lol if it makes you feel any better hers is only a 3GS. Mine is the newer one but I see no reason a 7 year old needed a brand new one when hers works great.

Also because of my AT&T job I got major discounts on phones and service so hers really doesn't cost that much.
I had actually got this phone in my name on my account 2 years ago for a friend but after 2 months he decided he couldn't "afford" it anymore. So I had to keep it and pay for it since it was under contract so I just gave it to my daughter when she was 5. It just now recently came out of contract but I would feel mean to cancel it on her when she has done nothing wrong. It's also eligible for an upgrade but like I said she is fine with her 3GS. So no worries!
Lol if it makes you feel any better hers is only a 3GS. Mine is the newer one but I see no reason a 7 year old needed a brand new one when hers works great.

Also because of my AT&T job I got major discounts on phones and service so hers really doesn't cost that much.
I had actually got this phone in my name on my account 2 years ago for a friend but after 2 months he decided he couldn't "afford" it anymore. So I had to keep it and pay for it since it was under contract so I just gave it to my daughter when she was 5. It just now recently came out of contract but I would feel mean to cancel it on her when she has done nothing wrong. It's also eligible for an upgrade but like I said she is fine with her 3GS. So no worries!
this makes me feel majorly better hahah, i thought it was the 4s and i was like "girlllllll that child" thats good that you have discounts my mom does too through her work she has a business phone she still pays mine until i get a full time job. thats our agreement.

also where does she do allstar at? and where does she do tumbling classes at? just curious! response didn't wanted to say I got my daughter a cell phone 10 yrs ago when she got into cheer at age 7...parents weren't allowed in certain areas at comps but I wanted her to be able to contact me if I was needed...Technology is quite different now and I still cannot make heads nor tails out of twitter.