All-Star Not So Funny Thing Happened....

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this makes me feel majorly better hahah, i thought it was the 4s and i was like "girlllllll that child" thats good that you have discounts my mom does too through her work she has a business phone she still pays mine until i get a full time job. thats our agreement.

also where does she do allstar at? and where does she do tumbling classes at? just curious!

Lol. Yes it's a 3GS so it's no big deal. I wish my dad or mom still paid my phone bill. They kicked me off when I turned 18 (rightfully so).. Luckily I was just starting with AT&T and I got sucked in to putting phones on for everybody. I have 5 iPhones on my account and only 1 person pays for theirs I have agreed to pay for all others. I think I'm to nice but they are all family members so I feel like I owe them something! Haha

Well in reference to what I posted earlier about her cheering somewhere and her tumbling somewhere else that was before we moved out of Tennessee.

She cheered at Clarksville Cheer Extreme. She tumbled at Elite Energy Allstars.

Now she cheers and tumbles and does everything at Stars in Schertz, TX near San Antonio. We are very happy to be a Viper this season and this gym is amazing.
i know elite very well!! they are super super nice
Lol. Yes it's a 3GS so it's no big deal. I wish my dad or mom still paid my phone bill. They kicked me off when I turned 18 (rightfully so).. Luckily I was just starting with AT&T and I got sucked in to putting phones on for everybody. I have 5 iPhones on my account and only 1 person pays for theirs I have agreed to pay for all others. I think I'm to nice but they are all family members so I feel like I owe them something! Haha

Well in reference to what I posted earlier about her cheering somewhere and her tumbling somewhere else that was before we moved out of Tennessee.

She cheered at Clarksville Cheer Extreme. She tumbled at Elite Energy Allstars.

Now she cheers and tumbles and does everything at Stars in Schertz, TX near San Antonio. We are very happy to be a Viper this season and this gym is amazing.
Lol if it makes you feel any better hers is only a 3GS. Mine is the newer one but I see no reason a 7 year old needed a brand new one when hers works great.

Also because of my AT&T job I got major discounts on phones and service so hers really doesn't cost that much.
I had actually got this phone in my name on my account 2 years ago for a friend but after 2 months he decided he couldn't "afford" it anymore. So I had to keep it and pay for it since it was under contract so I just gave it to my daughter when she was 5. It just now recently came out of contract but I would feel mean to cancel it on her when she has done nothing wrong. It's also eligible for an upgrade but like I said she is fine with her 3GS. So no worries!
Do what you need for your kid and ignore the crazy comments. On this day in age there are a ton of things our kids have that we didn't and if you can do it, monitor it and are happy with your choice go for it!! And btw my 13 yr old got a phone in 2nd grade after a bad school bus incident and kids in our area walk to school after grade 4. As a single mom it was extra comforting for both of us that we could be in touch during walks home, practice, sleep overs, ect
Lol if it makes you feel any better hers is only a 3GS. Mine is the newer one but I see no reason a 7 year old needed a brand new one when hers works great.

Also because of my AT&T job I got major discounts on phones and service so hers really doesn't cost that much.
I had actually got this phone in my name on my account 2 years ago for a friend but after 2 months he decided he couldn't "afford" it anymore. So I had to keep it and pay for it since it was under contract so I just gave it to my daughter when she was 5. It just now recently came out of contract but I would feel mean to cancel it on her when she has done nothing wrong. It's also eligible for an upgrade but like I said she is fine with her 3GS. So no worries!
My kids are spoiled rotten. My daughter gets a set of copix manga illustrating markers for her birthday, they've been to Disney twice, Jamaica, Turks, Mexico, on a cruise, my son got an iPhone yesterday (bribery for making level 4) and he is turning 14 and about to log his tenth or so hour in private pilot lessons this weekend.

They also make straight a's because they're expected to, they are ridiculously well mannered and mature (because they'll be murdered in their sleep if they're not). They're fierce cheerleaders that give 110% on the mat because thats the expectation as well.

Spoiled rotten and I don't regret any of it. Gives me lots of things to take away if they don't live up to my expectations :D
Do what you need for your kid and ignore the crazy comments. On this day in age there are a ton of things our kids have that we didn't and if you can do it, monitor it and are happy with your choice go for it!! And btw my 13 yr old got a phone in 2nd grade after a bad school bus incident and kids in our area walk to school after grade 4. As a single mom it was extra comforting for both of us that we could be in touch during walks home, practice, sleep overs, ect

Ahh thanks very much! I was feeling really bad about this whole situation. Last night I was responding to one of these many comments and she said what are you doing? (she likes to read what I'm typing) I said replying to someone I didn't realize it was such a big deal for you to have a phone. She said mom tell them to mind their own business that's what they need to do. We learned in school you don't worry about others just worry about yourself.

I laughed so hard. She is wise beyond her years. I didn't really explain to her that I opened that can of worms by posting that so it was fair game but she really made me laugh. I love that my daughter has it. When she is at a friends I will call her/ text her and just make sure she is doing ok. Right now she doesn't take her phone to school because I drop her off and pick her up. If she has to start riding the bus or walking she will definitely be taking it to school. I like her having it and I will say she has been very responsible with it. She keeps up with it, she hasn't lost it or broken it. So all is well in the world!

Thanks again for your reply!:)
This cracks me up. Do y'all control what your kids see/hear on the bus? At daycare/school? I find it's best to teach kids skills on how to interact socially than to put restrictions on everything.
Furthermore, if there is anything that can be assumed about parents on the fierceboard, it's that they're involved...not that they're willy nilly allowing free unrestricted/in monitored access to the Internet.
Parents have different opinions on stuff. Try to think of it as another viewpoint...not an attack or criticism because sometimes that's all it is. It's healthy to hear and see what other people are doing, but only the parent knows their home situation and what is right for them. I have lots of friends with very different opinions on issues, but we still can co-exist. :)
Parents have different opinions on stuff. Try to think of it as another viewpoint...not an attack or criticism because sometimes that's all it is. It's healthy to hear and see what other people are doing, but only the parent knows their home situation and what is right for them. I have lots of friends with very different opinions on issues, but we still can co-exist. :)

very true. and we have parents of all different ages on these boards so some were raised in different era's so to speak. i like to think of myself as being on the younger end (;)) but what may be normal to some of us may be completely off the wall to the older generation of parents.
Thanks this means a lot to me. I kind of regret posting in here earlier if I knew it was going to stir up everything it did. :(
Thanks again for the kind words!
Nothing in any of your posts for you to regret.
What problem?
I'm a mother first and I know everything my daughter texts, tweets, and facebooks.

The problem isn't with my 7 year old talking about swag,
the problem is these kids sending inappropriate pics, doing drugs, and talking to who they don't need to be talking too.

If I want to let me daughter text her cheer friends, and her grandmother then that's something I choose to do.
My daughter is very smart. She makes excellent grades and I know she is in the top of her class. Quite a few people know my cp on here and they can attest to that. So please worry about your own kids.

Thank you.
I don't think you need to explain your self. She is your child you know what is best for her and no one needs to judge anyone. Each of us, parent our children the best way we can...
My philosophy about other parents ,parenting ,has always been, you raise your kid and I'll raise mine. And while I may not personally agree with what you're doing/giving to your kid, I will keep my mouth shut, unless, you come to me to help pay for your child's iPhone or tumbling private or new Gucci backpack. People are always telling me that my daughter is spoiled, but they say what a great and respectful kid she is, so I must have been doing/done something right! While I personally wouldn't give my 5 year old a phone, unless Kris10boo is asking for help paying for her daughter's iphone or her cheer season or daughter is knocking off Walmart's, none of us have a reason to question her parenting.
Perfect word...wish I had thought of it. :)
Why is there no meme with a minion from Despicable Me?! Someone with more tech skills than me needs to get on that! The little dude saying, "whaaaaaaaaat?" when he got accused of doing something wrong (can't remember what) has myriad uses on this board!
My nephew uses a cell phone and hes 2. Granted hes only playing thomas the train games but he can now completely call my mom with out any help. She gets calls all the time from him because he managed to get his moms phone and call her. its the age we live in....@Kris10boo I voted you for Best parent and I stand by that. If she hasn't done anything wrong with her phone or facebook why should you take it away.
My nephew uses a cell phone and hes 2. Granted hes only playing thomas the train games but he can now completely call my mom with out any help. She gets calls all the time from him because he managed to get his moms phone and call her. its the age we live in....@Kris10boo I voted you for Best parent and I stand by that. If she hasn't done anything wrong with her phone or facebook why should you take it away.

Ahh thank you! Every single one of y'all made me feel better. I understand everyone sees it differently but right now I'm ok with it and that's all that matters.

Btw, You made my day... Lol:)