I'm so confused reading this thread right now. There are so many non-issues brought up. It's through ICU, therefore I would assume it would go by ICU standards. No age cap, both all girl and coed (like other sports have female and male teams/events/athletes), dead floor, emphasis on stunting but not solely (as this is "too close to acro and tumbling" as they've established and took partner stunting out of ICU).
If SM doesn't care or know about the US national team already, I wouldn't worry more than any other sport. ICU is way more collegiate than all-star, so I'm not sure a SM would feel at home without the bling and glamour that all-star provides.
ICU/collegiate style cheer is most common all over the world, as opposed to all-star. There are only a few countries in Europe even going by the level system for cheer, most is peewee, junior and senior elite or premier really. If not even just level 6 for seniors.
I'm not sure how familiar you are with ICU worlds, but everything is pretty straight forward and ironed out. I'm not sure varsity would have too much say in the matter, or if they even care.
Why you wouldn't think cheer is a sport I don't know, maybe if you're wrapped up in the all-star world it's different. But if big air, synchro swimming, rhythmic gymnastics and what not can be Olympic events, so can cheerleading. And I truly don't see anyone not benefiting from the recognition.