I'm late to the party, but I wanted to add my view of it.
I always go to both ICU Worlds and USASF/IASF Worlds. I prefer allstar cheerleading - just like most of you here on the board. I do like to watch college cheerleading too, but allstar cheerleading is just what I LOVE. However, ICU Worlds is probably my favorite day during the Worlds weekend. I get chills just thinking about it, the feeling to the event is soooo amazing. Especially if you're on one of the national teams, but as a spectator too. Everyone is so happy to be there and everyone cheers for everyone. It's not about teams or gyms, it's about countries. If you have the opportunity to go, take the chance. If cheerleading in the Olympics is somewhere near the same, it will probably be amazing, just like ICU Worlds.
USA puts out great routines at ICU every year - however, they do NOT dominate the competition. They have the most wins, yes, but they haven't won every year. Chinese Taipei won coed 2015 - the US had to step up 2016 to take back the gold. There's lots of other great countries in the coed category that are "up there" too: Finland, Thailand, Canada, Puerto Rico - to name a few. In the all girl category, Norway and Finland are very close to the US team. Denmark and Sweden are up and coming too. When ICU had the partner stunt and group stunt categories, Slovenia, Finland and Norway all got the gold.
As I said, USA always have great routines. Their teams mostly consist of current or former college athletes from Louisville, OSU, Morehead, Kentucky and so on. I think you have to be 18 to do Team USA? So they want more experienced athletes. Most of these athletes have done allstar cheerleading before college. If cheer would be in the Olympics, trying out for Team USA would probably be even more popular. And they would most likely spend a few more days practicing together - right now they start to practice 10 days before the competition. Most of you probably didn't know that, right? Pretty incredible.