Their uniforms :eek: ew.. I don't think they were a car crash and I actually liked their standing tumbling but I wouldn't say their athletes are significatly better than any other team..esp if they are paying them. :oops:
First of all those uniforms do not work onstage at all, and those baskets? REALLY?! I had to stop watching at the pyramid it was just too painful. I feel bad for the kids because I have a feeling they're gonna be dealing with some salty coaches and twitter nonsense
Their routine doesn't impress me at all. There was nothing that stood out to me at all, except maybe their atrocious baskets. If your gonna talk to the talk to you need to walk the walk.
I guess it is can buy doubles. You can also try so hard to be different you look like the white Power Ranger. I think they accomplished their goal: they set out to make sure they were talked about and on the radar as a level 5 team to be remembered. Well...what's your verdict? Are we going to be talking about them a year from now...will they be remembered at Worlds?
The worst part is that I can't appreciate the routine for what it WILL be. It's not like they weren't hitting insanely difficult skills that will progress to be amazing by worlds.