The thing is you never make an argument as to why these rules are bad other than you feel your rights are being penalized and it will hurt your business (which was one of your earliest arguments ). The only one sounding silly here is you when you feel it is wrong for our governing body to say to gyms that put 6 year olds in less clothing than a pole dancer with music that has profanity and moves that include grinding and thrusting - which perhaps you have not seen but there are gyms that do that - we have seen it in competition and except for the parents up front cheering them on pretty much everyone else was in shock.
Because I agree with the USASF you deem me a moral police, putting "" around legitimize does not make the word any less accurate. I keep telling you that normal crop tops are not the problem it is gym owners who don't feel that anything is too small and want to make the rules for their gyms but don't want to follow them when their governing body makes them. Because they keep pushing the envelope in this area the USASF said ENOUGH and put very clear cut rules so they don't need to keep their energy on this. Personally I think length rules would be an okay alternative but that would require a WHOLE lot of energy and debates during events and people trying to push the rules and others contesting results saying so and so 's team broke the requirement.
You say: "Swimming , gymnastics, volleyball, track and field all have revieling clothing not to specialize the athlete but because the athleticism required for the sport demands movement !! " Yet another reason for the rules - because girls are having parts of their body exposed and the uniforms some gym owners are choosing do not help with the athleticism the sport demands but actually detract from it. Given you feel this is a sport I would assume you would be one who would support measures that would keep athletes safe and covered so that they could meet the demands of the moves they are required to perform but you are so stuck on it being more than that. Your comment even if in tongue-in-cheek - about not making your kids wear warm-ups just to prove your point is exactly why the USASF could not just say okay let's make a reasonable length coverage for a crop top, because there will be gym owners with the mentality that they will try to buck the rules... and what does that prove that you are stronger than the system?
By making a clear cut rule of full tops for under Senior then they don't have to put energy into it. They seem to have made the rules and the only energy I see being spent is people who want to buck the rules because they don't like them. I agree your other issues have a major importance but just because you feel the uniform issue is unimportant doesn't make it so and if it is so unimportant than why are you so worked up about it? You have a strong program your cheerleaders will excel in full tops just as much as crop.. the only thing I have heard from you is that: first USASF does not have the right (well we debated what a governing body is before), that other sports have revealing uniforms because the sport demands it (and they also have rules on the length, material even amount of sequins when it comes to ice skating because it is a sport not a beauty pageant), that this is a silly thing for them to regulate (if it is so silly then why are you so opposed to any restrictions let it be and get them working on the issues you feel are more important), and that this is just moral police (well this is a sport done in large part by children -- there are regulations in ALL aspects of things that directly effect children to what movies they are allowed to see, how many hours a child actor can work, that toys be lead free -- they are in place to protect children and allow them to be children because they may not be mentally, physically, or emotionally ready for a situation,)
I am sorry that you did not like the beat the chest comment but basically when you say -- we'll just leave and start our own group and that will show them attitude it basically reminds me of a male gorilla beating his chest trying to establish dominance. You truly sound like you don't like the USASF..clearly you have the time and experience - which I have never questioned - so leave it go to competitions elsewhere start your own governing body let free commerce run its course. You never make a point as to why crop tops on cheerleaders support their athleticism all you say is that it hurts your rights and your business - same tune different words.