Coach Troy you can not read. For the umpteenth time - I do not mind crop tops (I have even said the ones your gym uses are not the type in question), but I do not have my children at a gym for them and prefer my kids to be in full tops. I have said throughout the issue is and why USASF has done this is there are teams that have these girls competing in little bands of material that do not enhance their athletic abilities. I asked you on this thread what was too little and you said nothing is too small. That is precisely why USASF has made this a clear cut age grid decision. Which by the way is not Marshall Law -- because as explained before a governing body has the right to make these decisions it is the purpose of a governing body - if you don't like it then go to a governing body that is run the way you wish or start your own UUUUUGGGGHHH.
- When my daughters do swim team which they do they are perfectly appropriate in swimsuits. Now if they competition can in string bikinis on 6 year olds which is what the equivalent of some of the uniforms in cheer then this would be an issue but that would not happen in a USA Swim sanctioned event because they like, ice skating and gymnastics have rules. They actually have far greater detailed rules about excessive coverage because of how certain fibers and more coverage actually approves swim times but they do address lack of material on some level.
C. Only swimsuits complying with FINA swimsuit specifications may be worn in any USA Swimming sanctioned or approved competition.
D. Swimsuits worn for competition must be nontransparent and conform to the current concept of the appropriate.
Now if they have USA swim teams choosing to have little girls in string bikinis then perhaps they will get more detailed about what is appropriate...
Just like parents have the right to choose your gym you have the right to choose where and what events you take your gym to. You keep saying common sense but as many of us have posted there are gyms not using common sense and that is precisely why USASF has reached that point of full/crop - Senior, because some gyms keep pushing it and it would require a whole lot more if they set a length (which personally I think would be okay -- but then some think nothing is too small). And you have even said there should be no minimum set... how is that common sense???