All-Star Only Seniors Can Expose Midriff???

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To be fair with the swimsuit example, I don't think anyone is concerned with how much of a child's back is exposed. I thought it was more about their chest, and all of these swimsuits would be the equivalent to a full top. Then again the bra bragade cares about the amount of skin showing the in back, so maybe I should just slowly back away from this discussion. :oops:
Well as a card carrying member of the bra brigade, it's not exposure that bugs me, but bounce and jiggle when you can't wear a bra. None of those suits show boob, belly, butt crack or bikini line so really aren't comparable to some of the disturbing unis I've seen at some comps.
Couple of local ones in Indy, one in Ft Wayne (though it's been a couple of seasons), and WSF stand out in my mind. I only recall one gym name ( and won't put it out here but would be happy to PM you when I get to my computer) but know the colors of a couple of other teams.

For the record, I'm not against the idea of crops, just some of the execution. Even if my kid doesn't have to wear it, I don't want my family to see it.
Opinions are good and in the end I think that is what keeps us grounded.
It's when opinion of one is forced onto a group that we need to be careful. IMHO :)
See we can use common sense instead of the usasf declaring Marshall Law!!

Looking at the suits I would say swimming would not make Mom2Cheergirls list of approved sports :)

Coach Troy you can not read. For the umpteenth time - I do not mind crop tops (I have even said the ones your gym uses are not the type in question), but I do not have my children at a gym for them and prefer my kids to be in full tops. I have said throughout the issue is and why USASF has done this is there are teams that have these girls competing in little bands of material that do not enhance their athletic abilities. I asked you on this thread what was too little and you said nothing is too small. That is precisely why USASF has made this a clear cut age grid decision. Which by the way is not Marshall Law -- because as explained before a governing body has the right to make these decisions it is the purpose of a governing body - if you don't like it then go to a governing body that is run the way you wish or start your own UUUUUGGGGHHH.

- When my daughters do swim team which they do they are perfectly appropriate in swimsuits. Now if they competition can in string bikinis on 6 year olds which is what the equivalent of some of the uniforms in cheer then this would be an issue but that would not happen in a USA Swim sanctioned event because they like, ice skating and gymnastics have rules. They actually have far greater detailed rules about excessive coverage because of how certain fibers and more coverage actually approves swim times but they do address lack of material on some level.

C. Only swimsuits complying with FINA swimsuit specifications may be worn in any USA Swimming sanctioned or approved competition.
D. Swimsuits worn for competition must be nontransparent and conform to the current concept of the appropriate.
Now if they have USA swim teams choosing to have little girls in string bikinis then perhaps they will get more detailed about what is appropriate...
Just like parents have the right to choose your gym you have the right to choose where and what events you take your gym to. You keep saying common sense but as many of us have posted there are gyms not using common sense and that is precisely why USASF has reached that point of full/crop - Senior, because some gyms keep pushing it and it would require a whole lot more if they set a length (which personally I think would be okay -- but then some think nothing is too small). And you have even said there should be no minimum set... how is that common sense???
I think that it's the fact that cheer really is a performance sport. Swimming, not so much. That's probably why even though the clothing attire is smilarily revealing, it catches the public's eye in a more inappropriate way because they see a child on stage shimmying and flaunting like there is no tomorrow and with show makeup on rather than the next child who jumps in a pool, swims a meet and that's the end of that.
But they are at a meet with people on the stands
"Oh my stars".....
Listen we aren't gonna see eye to eye on this issue and even though I am saying to you that you have every right to choose the uniform you see fit you in turn are saying you can only have the uniform that you have deemed appropriate. Unfair and unbalanced for sure!!!
Guidelines yes keep them ....
But do not construct them in a way where only one view is considered.
Mom2cheergirls thank you for the spirited conversation we shall agree to disagree and I will continue to campaign for my point of view both with my membership vote and my purchasing power with the EP's.....
And the string bikini thing was way over dramatic I am positive you have never seen a uniform that revealing.
Well as a card carrying member of the bra brigade, it's not exposure that bugs me, but bounce and jiggle when you can't wear a bra. None of those suits show boob, belly, butt crack or bikini line so really aren't comparable to some of the disturbing unis I've seen at some comps.
Actually the new swimsuit style deemed "cut out" goes very very low in the top so there is always the chance of some "spilling out" especially on girls with bigger chests
Coach Troy you can not read. For the umpteenth time - I do not mind crop tops (I have even said the ones your gym uses are not the type in question), but I do not have my children at a gym for them and prefer my kids to be in full tops. I have said throughout the issue is and why USASF has done this is there are teams that have these girls competing in little bands of material that do not enhance their athletic abilities. I asked you on this thread what was too little and you said nothing is too small. That is precisely why USASF has made this a clear cut age grid decision. Which by the way is not Marshall Law -- because as explained before a governing body has the right to make these decisions it is the purpose of a governing body - if you don't like it then go to a governing body that is run the way you wish or start your own UUUUUGGGGHHH.

- When my daughters do swim team which they do they are perfectly appropriate in swimsuits. Now if they competition can in string bikinis on 6 year olds which is what the equivalent of some of the uniforms in cheer then this would be an issue but that would not happen in a USA Swim sanctioned event because they like, ice skating and gymnastics have rules. They actually have far greater detailed rules about excessive coverage because of how certain fibers and more coverage actually approves swim times but they do address lack of material on some level.

C. Only swimsuits complying with FINA swimsuit specifications may be worn in any USA Swimming sanctioned or approved competition.
D. Swimsuits worn for competition must be nontransparent and conform to the current concept of the appropriate.
Now if they have USA swim teams choosing to have little girls in string bikinis then perhaps they will get more detailed about what is appropriate...
Just like parents have the right to choose your gym you have the right to choose where and what events you take your gym to. You keep saying common sense but as many of us have posted there are gyms not using common sense and that is precisely why USASF has reached that point of full/crop - Senior, because some gyms keep pushing it and it would require a whole lot more if they set a length (which personally I think would be okay -- but then some think nothing is too small). And you have even said there should be no minimum set... how is that common sense???
sorry to double post but
FINA has rules that prevent the fabric and so that swimmers arent too covered up so the sport isnt about who has the latest and greatest suit but who is actually the better swimmer. And have you seen anyone wearing a speedo lazer suit in person? you cant tell in pictures or on tv but the suit is see-through except for strategically placed patches over crotch and boobs and those patch become see-through themselves after like 2 uses
What I love most about thier governing body is they gave them the CHOICE!!! :)