I absolutely agree with you. And I deliberately chose a controversial example for exactly this reason. But don't you see, in the Catholic School you could CHOOSE not to pray. Wouldn't that have approach have worked for the public schools too, instead of taking something away from the majority in the interests of the minority who did not want to pray? Pass a law that enforced the rights of individuals to not participate without prejudice instead of forbidding the prayer itself? Do you see the analogy here? Make everyone stop wearing crop tops instead of dealing with the issue of a few abusers.
And if that is controversial, I am probably going to get stoned for this one....I was alive in the 50s, a teen and twenty-something in the radical 60s and 70s, watched the decline of family and the rise of crime in the 80s, 90s and on. And I see the erosion of the moral values in our country that started at the same time the government starting invading personal values and your right to personal choice.
Again, I am not trying to align crop tops with religion. What we are trying to say is that as long as you let people take away your right to choose, the less choice you can expect to have. And the more they will continue to take.