All-Star Only Seniors Can Expose Midriff???

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So what will happen to teams who "didn't get the memo" and compete next year in Jr 4 wearing crops? Because you know its going to happen!

Hopefully the same thing that happens to teams that "don't get the memo" about rules and get legality deductions. It's the gym/coaches job to know ALL the rules. They didn't just spring this on anyone... this was announced last spring and they still have this season and next to figure it out.
Rebel Athletic has come up with a uniform solution to the USASF crop restrictions called the Rebel Convertible. It's a one piece biketard with clear/removable bra straps that has a mesh midriff to be worn under a crop uniform, converting it into a full length.
Get more info here: Convert a Crop Cheerleading Uniform to Full Length | Rebel Athletic
they just look long on the dress form. They are the same length as our standard hot shorts. When they're on the athlete's body they don't look that long.
Rebel Athletic has come up with a uniform solution to the USASF crop restrictions called the Rebel Convertible. It's a one piece biketard with clear/removable bra straps that has a mesh midriff to be worn under a crop uniform, converting it into a full length.
Get more info here: Convert a Crop Cheerleading Uniform to Full Length | Rebel Athletic
Now that is thinking outside the box. I am very impressed that someone came up with this and darn it why couldn't it have been me? Great idea Rebel Athletic.
Guys, if you think a change in uniform regulations is finally going to win this sport the recognition and respect it deserves, we as a community have a long way to go. All in all, this is a rule which is constricting. Yet another rule which restricts what gym owners, female athletes and coaches can do. I believe that there is no need for it. Parents are smart. If they do not want their child wearing something because they see it as inappropriate, their child will not wear it.It is not the duty of the USASF to moderate uniforms- as far as I remember there has been clear rules on family friendliness on performances. Surely sleazy uniforms come under this category?
Guys, if you think a change in uniform regulations is finally going to win this sport the recognition and respect it deserves, we as a community have a long way to go. All in all, this is a rule which is constricting. Yet another rule which restricts what gym owners, female athletes and coaches can do. I believe that there is no need for it. Parents are smart. If they do not want their child wearing something because they see it as inappropriate, their child will not wear it.It is not the duty of the USASF to moderate uniforms- as far as I remember there has been clear rules on family friendliness on performances. Surely sleazy uniforms come under this category?
no one said it would. its just a step in the right direction
As a european cheeleader, i don't get why all the fuss. In sweden, we have had this rule a long time and there has never been any complaints. Why are everyone going crazy over a couple inches of fabric? Yes, I understand a lot of people feel the federation is too restricting, but this is children the age of 9, 10, 11 etc. we're talking about. IMO kids that age should not walk around showing their midriff anyway.

Say what you will about it not defining us as a sport, but kids showing their a stomach does NOTHING for our general reputation as a sport. The rule in Sweden was created to try and remove the "sexy image" a little and it is helping. I think the rule is great and we all need to remember that the looks aren't the most important thing here. It's the skills that should do the talking, which is easier if you are not distracted by 11-year-olds in crop tops.

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no one said it would. its just a step in the right direction
I disagree, reading certain posts it seems like this rule was the only thinkable option for the sport. I don't know, I just don't really understand why some people are getting so up in arms about what is really a minor change.
I'm curious how people say full tops ride up.
I'm a high school cheerleader(we DO compete) and we wear full tops and they do not ride up. We only have 5 people on my team who do not tumble out of 26 and NONE of us have ever complained about them 'riding up.'
the all star gym we go to practice at wears full top levels 1-5 and have never had a problem!

I could careless if USASF made us get full tops. In the end none of our opinions matter.

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I'm curious how people say full tops ride up.
I'm a high school cheerleader(we DO compete) and we wear full tops and they do not ride up. We only have 5 people on my team who do not tumble out of 26 and NONE of us have ever complained about them 'riding up.'
the all star gym we go to practice at wears full top levels 1-5 and have never had a problem!

I could careless if USASF made us get full tops. In the end none of our opinions matter.

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Do you have traditional HS uniforms or the stretchy spandexy kind? Most full tops do ride up. Not that that would be a "problem" for the gym. People just deal with it usually... If you watch vids of allstar teams with full tips you'll see 90% come up on at least some of the girls. Its not a huge deal just annoying. Traditional HS uniforms don't usually move that much and are fit so the shell overlaps the skirt at least a little bit so if it comes up it will still cover everything. Plus they come right back down due to the material they're made of while the stretchy spandexy material stays up.

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we have the spandex material!
same as our all star gym!
we don't find them riding up and we do the same skills as all star teams.

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we have the spandex material!
same as our all star gym!
we don't find them riding up and we do the same skills as all star teams.

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Well you probably have extra length added or something to combat the problem. I think it's kind of silly to say "I don't see how you say they ride up, because ours don't" when you can clearly see through videos that people aren't just making things up for fun... Most full tops DO ride up. Your school and that gym are the exception not the rule

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