I'm probably the type of person that is being referred to...
My daughter almost never wears anything but her uniform all day. She usually wants to keep it on so I let her. We would get there early with her being fully dressed. She would keep her uniform on all day and if she was cold which usually never lasted more then 5 mins she would put her warm up jacket on just like this...
But besides that my cp would wear it out to eat or whatever. We would usually come back to the competition later to see our senior 4 and my daughter would still be fully dressed. The coaches would always let her go to warmups with those kids an even go on stage to their awards. Jaylen was like their little sister and beside her being smaller then them she completely fit in. I think she wanted to keep it on when they had theirs on because she would pretend she was on sr 4.
My thing is I don't see nothing wrong with it. It's just a uniform and she is a cheerleader. I think the real problem here is everyone is referring to cheerleaders in crop tops. I see millions of kids every weekend at the mall and stores after they got done playing baseball or soccer and still in uniform..and no one is complaining about that. In reality it is no different then baseball/soccer players keeping their uniform on. So I say it's a parents choice and if I'm ok with my child like that then you should be ok with the decision I have made for my child. If you don't like it then don't let your child wear their uniform but if my baby wants to wear hers out to eat then she should be able to.
I see a lot more kids who are dressed terribly sloppy and in clothes that don't fit and that have parents that don't brush their kids hair. Although it makes me sad for these kids that have parents who don't care about their child appearance it is not my place to tell them they should dress their kids differently.