Money also talks in the terms in a lawsuit any accident or injury in his supervision, or at the gym this will come to the surface and he is exhibiting gross amounts of negligence which of course doesn't just make Rockstar Cheer look bad it makes the entire sport look terrible and that looks even worse for the USASF the sole body designed to protect its athletes and provide the public with the best image of the sport per their mission statement.
im just kinda over the argument, that we need to desperately make our sport look good to others. Why are we so desperate for attention. I did the sport for SO MANY years way back in the early 2000 era and i couldnt give a crap less if the sport was recognized, respected, etc. I did it cause i loved, not because i wanted people to respect me.
i miss the early 2000 era of cheer......
when you start involving to much money, is when a sport gets ruined... Im glad i aged out when i did.
its comparable to a lot of competitive youth sports, when adults start getting too involved in constantly wanting to win, win, win, or we need the fanciest gear, coaches, etc. is when the kids start to hate it.
to kids want to win, yes, do they want to wear a fancy uniform or go to a fancy competition sure, but i promise you that isnt the main reason kids choose to do a sport. Its when adults get involved and put that attitude of we need to win, we need the fancy gear and the fancy competitions or were irrelevant, kinda sucks the fun outta everything.
i only say this because i did competitive cheerleading and competitive horse show jumping for years. My parents never got too involved, they just wanted to see me be happy doing something, but i only quit show jumping because i was sick of the constant reminder by trainers and others that if i wasnt the best or winning 1st, i was crap. All i wanted to do was ride and enjoy it.