SE has a good routine but its the same every year.
The same? I don't think there is very much about this routine that is even remotely the same as the past few years. To me, even just as a viewer, there is a totally different feel to it. The originality of their stunt sequences is to be commended and I agree with whoever said earlier that they are some serious trend-setters this year (sorry, too lazy to look up the original post). Their stunt difficulty is going to be pretty darn hard to beat and visually the sequences are fantastic. I'd be shocked to see a pyramid that comes close to SE's either creatively or difficulty-wise. While tumbling has never been SE's strongest point, I think they've made quite noticeable improvements both in quantity and quality. Cleaned up and executed, I think their tumbling will be on par.
Personally, I look at SE in phases. There's the pre-World Champion Senior Elite, the underdogs who you wanted to root for. Clean, creative, difficult routines that just never quite clinched the top spot. There's the post-World Champion Senior Elite, which we have been absolutely saturated with from all angles, not always intentionally by CEA, but by fans and the cheer world's social media outlets who became obsessive over all things SE as well as a few of their athletes. I feel like this was a team that everyone was waiting for to screw up, and when they did, they got killed for it. When they didn't, they were still told they didn't deserve their fame or fortune.
I look at this 2013 team and feel refreshed. I feel like it's a new phase. I do not for a second believe one athlete defines a team and Maddie was a beautiful point flyer, but her presence was so huge at all times. It's very different watching them without her, and I feel like it's definitely part of why the routine feels different, too. Add to that all the new faces on this team. It's a Senior Elite we don't quite know yet. It seems like their attitude has changed from performing like they have something to prove, to performing like they are the ones to beat. And in my humble opinion, right now they are.