- May 10, 2011
- 5,994
- 24,173
The hardest thing to do as a parent in this sport is watch and be supportive when what's best for the team is NOT what is "best" for your kid. But, it's a team sport and the team has to come first and that's what I tell my kids. My daughter will never fly again. She's 12 and 5-4 already. She could fly on a senior team I suppose, but here's the thing....she is a BEAST of a base. She always gets the flyer that needs the most support underneath, she'll never have the easy flyer. She gets the ones that need all the help they can get to stay in the air...and you know what.....they do, they improve and they love each other.It wasn't just one comment. It is an overall attitude.
When you have a child you can get protective at times. One day you will understand that.
Does that make her the base that has gotten a tooth knocked out, more nail marks than a hammerhead, bruises that look like a car wreck, black eyes, iced shoulders and absolutely no glory whatsoever that the flyer that got the credit never would've stayed in the air if not for the last three bags of ice we went home with, a swollen lip and a missing tooth....
But, that's what this is. A team sport...and in the end, you win together or you lose together and as a parent the hardest thing for us to do collectively is support the "team" over our kid. But if my kid can learn to set and spin, which is hard, I can do this :)