wow. Thanks everyone! I really mean that!! No, I wasn't going to make them sign something tonight, just have a form done and go over what will be expected next season and how we will be handling the situation for the last two competitions.
Anxiety case example has become while waiting to go on the floor with a burst of sudden crying. I can see it coming before hand usually, but it always shocks me because its coming from kids who normally are not cryers. What seems to be happening is a domino effect, at least for my mini kids. The junior girls are just as bad. I try to kid or joke or distract (going to try the water thing) - but it does not always work and frankly, I am exhausted by the time I calm everyone down. Like, its NOT FUN. We didn't have this problem, at least not like this until just in the last month or so. I can't figure out if we are competing too much, not enough, etc? (dec - one, jan - one, feb - two, march- two and april-one). Maybe too large of competitions??? All but one were extremely large events for us.
Attitude: example, while waiting to go on yesterday, the other coach used a hair softener sheet on the kids to keep their hair from flying away (she did it for her daughter, but all the kids wanted her to do theirs too). One girl didn't want it done, so the coach said ok. And the girl said, I don't want you to put that on my hair after using it on everyone else. So the coach said well, I can get you a new one, to which she replied: I don't think so, folded her arms across her chest and stood apart from everyone else until they took the floor. We ignored it in order to keep the other girls from noticing, but I wanted to wring the kids neck quite honestly. That's just a quickie example. But what would you do really? We were minutes from with the attitude then?