All-Star Practice Wear: Is It Necessary?

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What are people's opinions on sports bras vs. tank tops? I love the way sports bras look (though I'm not a fan of them on Juniors and Younger), but too many teams order bras that are too small and don't cover enough of the chest. I personally love Smoed's bras for this reason (although Nike is WAY too expensive).
I personally won't allow my CP (who is 11 and pretty well developed already) to be in just a sports bra. I prefer the tighter tank and spanx. The tank is preferred so she doesn't have her shirt flying over her head when tumbling. Plus the shorts are like the uni shorts so they have to learn to leave the wedgie alone... It's only 2:30, you won't die if you don't pick it!
I like the Reebok play dry line for sports bra and compression which I only buy on sale for about $10 (online free shipping). My older Cp is the only one that has the Reebok sport bra (everyone grew and she gets the new stuff ) which she wears under a tank (she said she loves the feel compared to her old cotton ones). The younger 2 wear cotton sports bras (still under tanks) I bought at Khol's - they like them of course they have not tried big sis's Reebok one. I can say both the sports bras from Khol's and the Reebok compression shorts wash and wear GREAT. I have passed down the compression shorts/jog bras from kid to next kid and they still look new and the compression shorts are worn not only for cheer but my girls like to wear them under shorts and dresses and skirts for school. I have been REALLY surprised at how well they have lasted. Given that I use them for each kid I would even pay full price because they get so much wear.
I like the Reebok play dry line for sports bra and compression which I only buy on sale for about $10 (online free shipping). My older Cp is the only one that has the Reebok sport bra (everyone grew and she gets the new stuff ) which she wears under a tank (she said she loves the feel compared to her old cotton ones). The younger 2 wear cotton sports bras (still under tanks) I bought at Khol's - they like them of course they have not tried big sis's Reebok one. I can say both the sports bras from Khol's and the Reebok compression shorts wash and wear GREAT. I have passed down the compression shorts/jog bras from kid to next kid and they still look new and the compression shorts are worn not only for cheer but my girls like to wear them under shorts and dresses and skirts for school. I have been REALLY surprised at how well they have lasted. Given that I use them for each kid I would even pay full price because they get so much wear.
What site do you use?
At our gym it was any black shorts so people who liked nike pros could wear them but if you were a soffe person then you could wear those. Then we would have to wear an all pink shirt which (can have writing and stuff on it). At cheorgraphy though it was black shorts and white top. We also did have optional practice/spirit wear that could be purchased to wear at practices m

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I think practice wear both for all stars or HS cheer is great. It makes it so that al girls are on an equal playing field--no having to keep up w/the Jones' if everyone has to wear the same thing.
What site do you use?
I use richard's Sporting Goods because if I have an issue I can return it and I almost always find it on sale online when it is full price at the store. (Okay it is auto correcting the name of the store and can't figure out how to get around this store name is not Richard's it is D then ick's)
I believe one can brand their gym without mandatory practice wear. I do think that specific practice wear should be provided and worn at certain times but in general there are quite a few 'big gyms' who branded their gym without having their athletes wear practice wear or their logo.
I believe one can brand their gym without mandatory practice wear. I do think that specific practice wear should be provided and worn at certain times but in general there are quite a few 'big gyms' who branded their gym without having their athletes wear practice wear or their logo.
Good point.
Our gym only has practice wear for certain teams. My CP's team is not on one of those teams. They did give us the option of buying it if it wasn't mandatory. My CP said she didn't feel like she had "earned" the right to wear it if it wasn't mandatory.
Our gym only has practice wear for certain teams. My CP's team is not on one of those teams. They did give us the option of buying it if it wasn't mandatory. My CP said she didn't feel like she had "earned" the right to wear it if it wasn't mandatory.
That's an interesting way to put it, no wonder kids seem to take themselves more seriously in a uniform/matching attire.
I think it is. If you don't have standard practice wear, you would be seeing any and everything. I know this is off topic, but I'm using it as an EXAMPLE. When I was in school, our cheerleading team didn't have an set practice wear. So they would come in wearing what they had on PE. Now, there isn't anything wrong with that. The problem is, those girls would come to practice, wearing the shortest of shorts and sports bras that showed literally all of their cleavage if except for of course the parts that needed to be covered up. Believe it or not, it was against the rules for any sports team at my high school to wear sports bras for practice as they believed it was too sexual. The booty shorts are pretty self explanatory. They did this because there was no authority there after school except for sports team coaches. When there was authority there, the coach almost got fired for no enforcing that rule. So what ended up happening, is that the girls had to pay for shorts that met the school dress code guidelines and a team t-shirt that was a mandatory to wear to practice. Where I'm getting at, is that gyms probably have that same issue or DO NOT WANT to have that issue so they require practice wear. I don't see anything wrong with it. As long as it's actual practice wear and not a fashion show down just trying to get parents to spend more money. in my opinion, unless you're doing a showcase, or at a comp, no practice wear should be full of rhinestones.

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